View non-flash version 75tors and owners to adhere to regulations with more automatic reporting and a bet-ter overview. Please provide some statistics on the num- ber of installations Marorka has today, with speciÞ cs on the size and types of ships where Marorka might be found. The number of our references is about 400 ships. While most of our refer- ences are from relatively large container ships, tankers and bulk carriers, we have all types and sizes of ships Þ tted with our systems. We have also some very in- teresting and special ships as references such as research ships, coast guard, Þ sh-ing vessels and host of off shore vessels. Every business has its challenges. What are MarorkaÕs? The big challenge for us is to keep providing outstanding services to a growing customer base that is located around the globe. We are addressing this challenge by adding more people to our organization and by opening up our own ofÞ ces in strategically selected locations. First we are opening our ofÞ ce in Copen- hagen this summer. Next phase is to open up ofÞ ces in the Far East and strengthen our position in the Middle East. Success-fully managing such rapid growth is al-ways going to be challenging. We have prepared well by having developed solid infrastructure and procedure. Can you discuss a recent case study? Laurin Maritime operates a modern ß eet of MR tankers for oil prod- ucts and chemicals worldwide. It started with an energy conservation program in 2008, and identiÞ ed the need for an auto- mated data logging system. In 2012, they chose Marorka as provider of that system.?Today, fuel costs are higher than the daily cost of operating the vessels. It has become necessary to shift our focus over to fuel costs. We identi Þ ed a need for a system that could monitor fuel perfor- mance. We decided to implement an ISO 50001 energy management system on a company wide basis, and we have imple-mented a system that makes energy us- age transparent for the crew and onshore management. We use Marorka Online to collect data for long-term analysis, to establish ß eet trending and to highlight the ?cost of lost energy,? said Capt. Pär Brandholm, Laurin Maritime?s Envi- ronmental & Nautical Manager. ?The Marorka Maren Solution gives us much better information about what is actually happening on the ships. We can now ac- curately quantify the fuel oil savings we are achieving from hull and propeller cleaning. To date, we have experienced savings of 9.4% in fuel oil consumption as a result of our energy management ac- tivities. The Marorka project has yielded more the double the amount of savings that would have given us a good return on our investment.?MR #8 (74-81).indd 75MR #8 (74-81).indd 758/4/2014 12:28:39 PM8/4/2014 12:28:39 PM