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22 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News ? DECEMBER 2013 The operational complexities and changing landscape of ports and terminals continue to present ongoing challenges for port authorities and operators glob-ally. In particular, changing legislation, diversiÞ cation, security concerns, higher trafÞ c density, larger vessel sizes, as well as movements of hazardous cargoes, re- ß ect on a port?s required level of traf- Þ c management, vessel scheduling and navigational planning. This can, in some instances become a very complex task. In a bid to help manage these challenges and improve navigational safety and ef-Þ ciency, many ports and harbors have turned to Vessel Traf Þ c Services (VTS). However, there are multiple consider- ations surrounding the implementation of VTS which require detailed investiga- tion.Bob Hockham, a Master Mariner and former Port Operations Manager, now Business Development Manager at BMT Isis, a subsidiary of BMT Group, rein- forces the need to undertake a detailed and independent risk assessment, high-lighting the factors port/terminal deci-sion makers should consider before pro-curing VTS equipment. He believes that vital elements of the process are both the vessel trafÞ c pattern analysis and modeling together with consultation and workshops with the end-users, includ-ing pilots - recognizing that experienced staff are the key to safe and ef Þ cient op- erations.It?s important to Þ rstly clarify the pur- pose of VTS ? that is to improve safety and efÞ ciency of navigation within a port/harbor area, similar to the way in which air trafÞ c control works. Port and terminal operators also need to consider safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment.Before implementing VTS, port/ter- minal decision makers must ask the question as to which service category its VTS will fall into - i.e. an information service, a navigational assistance service or a trafÞ c organization service. VTS can be used as an information ser- vice which provides timely navigational information including the position, iden-tity and intentions of trafÞ c; weather in- formation and waterway conditions (i.e. congestion and marine works in prog-ress such as dredging) to assist naviga-tors within the decision making process. Using VTS as a navigational assistance service involves monitoring vessel op-Port Security ? LogisticsBMT IsisDelivering Optimum ResultsBob Hockhama Master Mariner and former Port Operations Manager, now Business Development Manager at BMT Isis, a subsidiary of BMT Group By Bob HockhamMR #12 (18-25).indd 22MR #12 (18-25).indd 2211/27/2013 2:40:42 PM11/27/2013 2:40:42 PM