View non-flash version 79As the shipping industry faces rapid and comprehensive changes in various sectors, naval architects Þ nd themselves facing the brunt of the heavy demands not just from the regulatory change being brought into place but also the increasing pressures to shore up engine efÞ ciency, reduce pollution and, above all, the growing need to have ship designs which owners Þ nd cheaper and easier to operate. Taking the bull by the horns, the Institution of Naval Architects of India (INA) has created a forum under the banner ?INAVATION Technical Meet? to help mem- bers and other interests keep abreast of various devel-opments and new technologies being developed. The recent INAVATION Technical Meet held recently - a quarterly event - brought into focus a fundamental is-sue that has gained signiÞ cant importance, ?Propulsion and Maneuvering - Vendors and Manufactures Forum?. Featuring the ?Developments on Wartsila 2S Genera- tion X Engines and 2S low pressure DF engines? Sarad Sinha of Wartsila India explained that the company is committed to continuously improving efÞ ciency be- cause it means proÞ tability for the customer and pro- tection of the environment. ?Fuel ß exibility is an im- portant matter as the customer has the option to decide on the type of fuels he can switch to,? he said. ?Wärtsilä is passionate about optimizing lifecycle value by offer- ing whatever its customers in the marine industry need from the most complete offering of marine products, integrated solutions and services.?A synopsis of the marine engine design evolution over the last few decades focusing on the utility of higher stroke / bore ratio and increased propeller diam-eter formed the basis of the development. To the query ?What is the market asking from us?? he explained, ?Ships have speciÞ c design and engines have to adapt to the design. Normally engine price is 10% the cost of the ship and we are constantly looking to reduce this. The key requirements of the owners are reliability, to- tal cost of ownership and serviceability, best ship per- formance and attractive overall cost. Earlier container ships had to operate at high speeds but now this has changed.? Wärtsilä?s portfolio includes a range of products, so- lutions and services aimed at both land-based power plants and ship installations. As part of the portfolio, Wärtsilä offers catalysts (SCR) that reduce nitrogen ox- ide (NOx) emissions and scrubbers for removing sul-fur oxides (SOx). They also offer complete oily water treatment systems for power plants and marine applica-tions that meet the most stringent standards, as well as ballast water treatment (BWT) systems which are vital to prevent organisms from one ecosystem upsetting the ecological balance in another. Their range of offering cover total service packages, including start-ups, instal-lations, engineering work and maintenance and repairs.Speaking on another aspect of the evolution that has taken place Jussi Kuusisto of Rolls Royce Marine India featured ?Developments in Azimuth Propulsion Tech- nology?. According to him there were several bene Þ ts of Azimuth Thrusters to convention propulsion. ?They have superior maneuverability, provide direct trust and turning on the spot, improved crash stop, improved dynamic positioning capabilities; real redundancy in propulsion and steering.? He said that ß exibility in de-sign provides freedom in location and shafting, reduced building costs with compact package, simple hull form and short engine room. They can be installed late in the building process and service without dry-docking (if delivered as bolted-inversion).Why use natural gas as a marine fuel? Kuusisto points out, ?It is a simple, clean and efÞ cient system. Single fuel ? optimize; smoke free exhaust, inherently safe en-gine. Basically LNG is the tug fuel of the future.?In his Keynote address by Prof R. P. Gokarn, world renowned authority on naval architecture and propel-ler design spoke on his favorite subject about improv-ing propeller efÞ ciency in ships. As ships have become larger, faster and more powerful, and drafts of water levels have remained constant he presented various op-tion available to designers in enhancing propeller ef-Þ ciency. This include reducing energy loses, having higher diameter propeller and reducing the rpm (revo-lutions per minute), etc. He touched upon various theo-ries and rules associated as well as operating conditions that affect ef Þ ciency. Posted by Joseph Fonseca, Mumbai, on THE PROPULSION EVOLUTION Naval architect focus on enhancing ship propulsion efÞ ciency Advanced Shiphandling in Manned ModelsMassachuse© s Mari ? me Academy o + ers the USCG approved Advanced Shiphandling in Manned Models course. This training meets STCW requirements for assessing Management Level Deck O 8 cers. Addi? onal Training at MMA: OPA-90 Quali . ed Individual Vessel/Company/Facility Security O 8 cer Visual Communica ? ons (Flashing Light) STCW Basic Safety Training Medical Care/PIC Fast Rescue Boat Radar Observer ARPA/BRM Hazwoper ECDIS Contact us for a complete training schedule Tel: 508 830 5005 Email: cmt@mari ? www.mari ? Mass Maritime MR Nov12.indd 111/3/2012 4:40:28 PMMR #11 (74-81).indd 79MR #11 (74-81).indd 7911/12/2013 4:16:40 PM11/12/2013 4:16:40 PM