View non-flash version 39to the integration quay and mounted in a speciÞ c part of the FPSO deck? said Levy. Cidade de Ilhabela will have a pro- cessing capacity of around 150,000 bpd.In March 2013 Petrobras conÞ rmed a $3.5B fast-track order to SBM. This was for two more FPSOs of the same scale as FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela. The units, known as Cidade de Maricá and Cidade de Saquarema are destined for the deep-water Lula Alto and Lula Central pre- salt Þ elds and will be built at a faster pace than the Cidade de Ilhabela FPSO, in order to keep up with Petrobras? pro- duction plans for its pre-salt plays. ?Ci-dade de Paraty and Cidade de Ilhabela represent the successful launch of our new Generation 3 FPSOs, building on our trusted performance and unrivalled uptime,? said Bruno Chabas, CEO of SBM Offshore. This decrease in construction time will be possible partially due to the fact that the new builds will be ?clones? of the Cidade de Ilhabela FPSO, fabrication and integration of the modules is ex-pected to develop at a accelerated pace now that Brasa Shipyard has a trained workforce with experience in fabricating FPSO modules, along with experience in module integration. ?We are delighted to have been selected by Petrobras for this signiÞ cant project and look forward to starting work on the FPSOs, which are amongst the largest ever built by SBM Offshore. Jointly, the two FPSO?s repre- sent the biggest contract ever awarded to us, underlining our unparalleled exper- tise and leading position in the market for large-scale tanker conversions to FP- SOs,? said Chabas.The orders for these two units are the largest ever received by SBM Offshore and will keep Brasa shipyard busy until deliveries are made at the end of 2015 and early 2016. The FPSOs will be de- BrasaShipyard. Pelicano1 barge crane. (Photo: Brasa) (Photo: Claudio Paschoa)FPSO Espirito Santo. (Photo: SBM)MR #8 (34-41).indd 39MR #8 (34-41).indd 398/1/2013 9:40:05 AM8/1/2013 9:40:05 AM