View non-flash version 45rate sponsors, state and city representa-tives, ONR, U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard personnel who are attending the banquet, will also be invited to judge the various competitions and to interact with the students during the day?s activi- ties. In addition to the 100 teams of stu-dents and their leaders, classmates, par- ents, friends, volunteers, judges, VIP?s, speakers and committee members will make up the projected total attendance of 800 in Indianapolis.The next day, Sunday, May 19, teams will have an opportunity to explore on their own the many and varied educa-tional opportunities available within the city limits of Indianapolis. Our hosts, In-diana State Regions, will provide ideas for the day?s activities including visits to parks, historic sites and museums all within easy walking distance of the ho-tel.All students will receive National SeaPerch Challenge t-shirts and SeaP-erch medals for their participation in the National Challenge as well as an event bag Þ lled with items provided by the SeaPerch program, corporate sponsors, our Indiana hosts and AUVSIF. Addi- tionally, Certi Þ cates of Participation and Appreciation are posted on the SeaPerch website both for student participants and for teachers and advisors to download following the National Challenge.New this year, The National SeaPerch Challenge will collaborate with NTMA?s 2013 National Robotics League (NRL) Championships, also to be held on the IUPUI campus on May 17-19, 2013, the third year in a row its National Champi-onship will be held in Indianapolis. The NRL is a student-designed robot combat competition intended to introduce a new generation of Americans to the advanced skills and sophisticated technology that mark manufacturing today. The collab- oration is more of an exchange, which will allow for interaction among the participants during the overlapping two days of national championships. ?The SeaPerch Program and the NTMA are excited about this opportu- nity to provide an exchange forum for these simultaneous events allowing the student participants of both to visit each other?s championships, interact with their peers and learn about different ro- botics platforms as they observe each other?s skills in the heat of battle,? added Nelson.National SeaPerch Challenge sponsor- ship opportunities are still available for individual, local and corporate fund-ing, details of which are posted on the SeaPerch website, . Also, volunteers and judges are always needed. Should you be interested in par- ticipating as a volunteer or judge on May 18, please click on the following link: site/Default.aspx?EventID=1149740 . For questions and/or more information about the National SeaPerch Challenge, go to the SeaPerch website, or con-tact Phil Kimball, Program Director, at 201-310-2607 or pkimball@seaperch. org. Please also visit the AUVSIF web- site at to learn more about the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Founda- tion, which promotes the development of aerial, land-based and subsea robotic systems.MR #4 (42-49).indd 45MR #4 (42-49).indd 454/3/2013 11:45:39 AM4/3/2013 11:45:39 AM