View non-flash version 55Liebherr launched a range of maritime crane simulators which are based on original software and hardware, designed to increase port safety and productivity by providing a cost-effective and highly efÞ cient crane operator training solution. The range of simulated cranes includes ship to shore, rubber tyre gantry, mobile harbor and offshore cranes. A major bene Þ t of simulator training is the ability to simulate harsh environ-mental conditions when required. This allows both experienced operators and trainees to gain valuable experience op-erating under challenging conditions in a safe environment. The resulting increase in operator skills allows for safe and productive crane operation under simi-lar conditions in the real world, boost-ing port productivity. For example, even though it may be a calm and sunny day, the trainee can practice cargo handling in harsh weather conditions such as snow-fall, heavy winds, torrential rain and high waves.The LiSIM environmental and physics engine allows for high levels of detail and realism. In addition, the emission and fuel-free LiSIM training solution is in line with an eco-friendly port opera-tion. Original Software and Hardware The installation of original Liebherr drive systems, software and hardware is designed to provde a realistic training experience. The drive systems reproduce all crane movements exactly both in space and in real-time. Trainees bene Þ t from the ergonomically designed driv- er?s cabin and control panel. The motion platform ensures that the driver in a Li-ebherr simulator cabin experiences real-istic movement which mimics precisely the response and feel of a crane mounted driver?s cabin and seat. Full high de Þ ni-tion ß at screen monitors and high quality surround sound speakers reproduce the views and sounds typically experienced in the cabin. Liebherr simulators are available in three conÞ gurations. The classroom so- lution is integrated into existing train-ing centers with the display, seat and controls mounted on a base and a sturdy display frame. The space-saving cabin solution ensures that the driver becomes familiar with controlling the crane in a real life environment. The containerized solution houses the simulator in a 40 ft. container and features a training room, utility room and cabin simulator. Each of the three models is equipped with mul-tifunctional instructor stations. Each re-alistic LiSIM scenario is set in a typical maritime environment where numerous parameters can be modiÞ ed according to training requirements, including day-time or nighttime operation, weather conditions, kind of cargo and vessel size. Liebherr Presents its Maritime Crane SimulatorsSmith Berger Marine, Inc.builds a full range of Shark Jaws for AnchorHandling Tug Supply vessels. Standard ratings are 100, 200, 350, 500 and 750 metric tons and all units have Quick Release at the rated load.Smith Berger flexibility allows us to customize our equipment to suit theoperating characteristics of your vessel. Third party certification, loadtests, release tests and load monitoring systems are available options. Rely on the 100 year history of Smith Berger to outfit your vessel with our rugged and dependable equipment.SMITHBERGERMARINE, INC.OFFERSA COMPLETELINEOF SHARK JAWS ? TOWING PINS ? STERN ROLLERS Smith Berger Marine, Inc.7915 10th Ave., S., Seattle, WA 98108 USA Tel. 206.764.4650 ? Toll Free 888.726.1688 ? Fax 206.764.4653 E-mail: ? Web: SAFE - RELIABLE - ECONOMICALMR #4 (50-57).indd 55MR #4 (50-57).indd 554/8/2013 9:09:22 AM4/8/2013 9:09:22 AM