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August 67Sea Marine?s New Construction Division consists of two locations, Houma & Lockport, seated on approximately 85acres, combined ? with over 170,000 sq. ft. of covered fabrication shops. In recent months, Thoma-Sea has invested in up- grading its capabilities with the installa-tion of a new, full-service steel processing center, including: a new 20,000 sq. ft. work shop; CNC Plasma Cutting Table; 1,100T CNC Press; 20 ft. Plate Roller; and a 185T Plate & Struc-tural Shear. Thoma-Sea is set to soon deliver a pair of PSV?s for Gulf Offshore Logis- tics (GOL) of Raceland, LA. The ves- sel are a significant project for Thoma-Sea that has led to sales of simi-lar vessels for the Deepwater and Ultra- Deepwater Oil exploration sector. The GOL vessels are designed to pro- vide offshore services worldwide. They are being classed by ABS and meet all rigorous ABS ENVIRO requirements and the requirements of the USCG, subchap-ter I & L, as well as IMO, SOLAS andMARPOL international regulations. The PSVs can attain a maximum speed in ex- cess of 12 knots. Main Propulsion instal-lation includes 2 x Rolls-Royce US255P Azimuth thrusters which are driven by 2200kW electric motors. The two CPP bow thrusters, each rated at 1000kW are also electric driven. The diesel electric plant comprises of 2x1700kW(CAT3512) and 2x2000kW (CAT3516) generators resulting in total installedelectric power of 7.4MW. This stepped approach in using different sized genera- tors ensure maximum loading of eachgenerator on line for maximum effi- ciency. Steel Cut on World?s Largest Wind Power HVDC Offshore Platform The Middle East has been a hotbedof maritime activities, driven largely by a burgeoning offshore oil and gas ex- ploration and production business. There is another form of offshore power however ? offshore wind ? which has provided a stable of work for Drydocks World (DDW). DDW has begun construction on DolWin beta, what is reported to be the world?s largest Wind Power HVDC Offshore Platform for Aibel AS, a serv- ice company that works within the oil, gas and renewable energy sectors. The dimension of the platform is 100.1 x74.1 m. It will be 83 m tall with ac-commodation and outfits and weigh 20,000 metric tons approximately. The platform can generate 900 MW power and can receive electricity from three wind farms, i.e. a total of 240 turbines. The platform will be ready for sail-away from Dubai Drydocks at the end of 2013. The German company Ten- neT has awarded the Contract to ABB to supply the Platform, which acts as atransmission link that will connect off- shore wind farms located in the cluster DolWin in the North Sea to the Ger- man grid. Thoma-Sea?s Houma, La. yard. The family owned company spe-cialized in construc-tion and repair on vessels up to 100m.MR#8 (66-73) REAL:MR Template 8/9/2012 2:58 PM Page 67