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68 Kiene Diesel Diesel cylinder indicators 256 19 King Engineering tank gauging systems 257 74 Kobelt Manufacturing steering and propulsion controls 258 15 Lockheed Martin Systems & Sensor fast ferries 259 76 M & I Systems electric panels 260 76 Mack Boring & Parts Company pumps & generators 261 31 MAN B&W DIESEL A/S turbochargers 262 40 Marine Response Alliance LLC hazard response 263 80 Marintec China exhibitions and conferences 264 76 Maritime Associates safety products/signage 265 24 Military Sealift Command employment NRSC 4 Motor Services Hugo Stamp Inc.diesel engine spare parts 266 22 Nace International coatings/corrosion inspection 267 70 New England Pump and Valve pump and valve repair 268 67 Norwegian Maritime Equipment AS safety equipment/pneumatic fenders 269 76 Ocean Technical Services, Corp.ship repair 270 20 Omnithruster Inc. thrusters 271 56 Orkot Marine bearings 272 72 Pacific Coast Marine doors & hatches 273 12 Panametrics-NDT ultrasonic thickness gages 274 16 Panduit Corporation cable ties/electrical connectors 275 27 Petrocom communications 276 69 Philadelphia Resins propulsion 277 78 Posidonia 2006 exhibitions & conferences 278 68 Procurve Glass Technology LLC marine glass/windows 279 64 Proteus Engineering/Anteon Corp. design and modeling software 280 30 RAMCO Manufacturing Co., Inc. safety shields for pipe connections 281 19 Rapp Hydema deck machinery 282 63 Renk AG gearboxes/bearings/clutches/couplings 283 70 RTF Manufacturing refrigeration/freezers 284 75 Salt Away salt removal 285 17 Schottel GMBH & Co. KG propulsion/manevering equipment 286 12 Sea Ark Marine aluminum boatbuilder 287 41 Sea Tel, Inc. marine satellite antenna systems 288 36 Severn Trent De Nora, LLC sanitation systems 289 47 Sherwin Williams Co. coatings 290 2 ShipConstructor CAD/CAM 291 65 Simplex Americas, LLC stern tube and shaft seals 292 64 Skookum rigging products 293 64 Smith Berger Marine deck hardware 294 65 SNAME design/engineering publications 296 85 SNAME society of naval architects/marine engineers295 65 Sohre Turbomachinery grounding and earthing brushes 297 35 Stratos Satellite service provider 298 66 Superior Energies, Inc. insulation manufacturers 299 10 Technical Marine Systems engineering services 300 42 Ultra Dynamics Marine, LLC water jets 301 20 Viking Fender fenders 302 56 Viking Life-Saving Equipment life rafts 303 79 Wartsila propulsion systems 304 62 Washburn Doughty boatbuilder 306 72 Waterman Supply marine equipment 307 51 Wooster Hydrostatics hydrostatic repairs 308 23 Xantic satcoms & IT solutions 309 5 ZFI Marine U.S. Headquarters propulsion drives & components 310 INFORMATION S H O W C A S E Get Free Information Fast Circle the appropriate Reader Service Number on the opposite page or visit ? GET FREE INFORMATION ONLINE at: Page Advertiser Product R/S# Page Advertiser Product R/S# The listings above are an editorial service provided for the convenience of our readers. 88 November 2005 61 ABB Oy-Marine and Turbocharging turbochargers 200 6 ABB Turbocharger Systems AG turbochargers 202 C4 ABB Turbocharger turbochargers 201 26 ACR Electronics electronics 203 70 AGMarine autopilots 204 40 Aker Marine naval architects/engineering 205 C3 Alfa Laval, Inc. bilge/oily wastewater/ballast 206 70 Allen Marine shipyard 207 62 Allied Shipbuilders Ltd. deck machinery 208 28 American Bureau of Shipping classification society 209 32 Anchor Marine anchors and chains 210 73 Apex Engineering/Rydlyme biodegradable marine descaler 211 32 Ashby Cross Company adhesives 212 10 Atlantic Marine shipyard 214 68 Aurand Manufacturing surface prep tools 215 18 Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. shipyard 216 57 Brunswick Comm & Gov Products, Inc. boatbuilder 217 71 C.M. Hammar AB life saving equipment 218 29 Caprock Communications satellite communications 219 21 Caterpillar marine power systems 220 1 C-Map Commercial electronic charts 221 66 Coastal Marine Equipment, Inc. deck machinery 222 3 Crowley Maritime Corporation marine logistics/transportation 223 66 CSD North America pipe and cable sealing systems 224 9 Cummins Marine marine propulsion/diesel engines 225 59 Damen Shipyard shipyard 226 64 Deansteel Mfg. windows/doors and frames/galleys 227 76 Desmond Stephan swirl off scarifier 228 76 Don Sutherland Photography photography 229 72 Donjon Marine Co., Inc. oil spill response 230 67 Electronic Marine Systems the sea switch II 231 69 Electronic Marine Systems the ballast 232 71 Electronic Marine Systems the bubbler 233 73 Electronic Marine Systems the radar 234 30 Elliott Bay Design Group naval architects 235 14 ESAB Welding & Cutting Products cutting & welding products 236 48 ESAB Welding & Cutting Products cutting & welding products 237 81 ESAB Welding & Cutting Products cutting & welding products 238 62 Ferro Corporation liquid coatings & dispersions 239 25 FLIR Systems thermal imaging security systems 240 7 Furuno navigation & communication 241 62 H.O. Bostrom seating 242 13 Halifax Shipyard ship repair & conversion 243 77 Hamilton Jet water jets 244 45 Headhunter, Inc. sanitation device/pollution control 245 34 Healy & Baillie, LLP maritime law firm 246 8 Hydra Dynamics hydraulic cylinders 247 72 Imes, Inc. lifeboat and crane testing 248 68 Industrial Power Systems switchboards and control systems 249 75 In-Place Machining crankshaft repair 250 36 Inventory Locator Service parts locator 251 33 Japan Radio Co., Ltd. communications 254 66 Jastram steering systems 252 11 Jeffboat barge builders 253 C2 Karl Senner, Inc. marine propulsion 255 MR NOV 05 Ad Index.qxd 10/31/2005 9:52 AM Page 1