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36 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News Aker Yards to build AHTS for NorSkan Offshore Aker Yards has been awarded a con- tract worth approximately $47.5 million by NorSkan Offshore Ltda., Brazil, to build an Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessel. Delivery is scheduled for April 2007. NorSkan Offshore is an offshore supply vessel company owned by Solstad Offshore ASA and DOF ASA in Norway on a 50/50 basis, and is focusing on the strong Brazilian off- shore vessel market. Teknotherm Takes Over Unitor HVAC Business Unitor Ships Equipment (now part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services) has reached anagreement with Teknotherm AS to transfer its activities in the ship- building heating, ventilation and air con- ditioning (HVAC) market to Teknotherm AS. The transfer includes HVAC products, a group of engineers in Poland as well as Unitor's order backlog of HVAC systems. Teknotherm will represent a continua- tion of Unitor's HVAC activities in the shipbuilding market with respect to technical solutions, market contacts as well as after-sales and service capabili- ties. Unitor will continue to strengthen its refrigeration spares and service offer, and Teknotherm will, through a separate agreement, appoint Unitor as HVAC service subcontractor at selected loca- tions. Teknotherm AS was founded in 1926 and has grown to be a worldwide manu- facturer and supplier of marine refriger- ation systems. Circle 13 on Reader Service Card Aker To Build AHTS for Farstad Aker Yards signed a contract worth $69 million to build an Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel (AHTS) for Farstad Supply AS, to be delivered in the sum- mer 2007. Farstad Supply AS is wholly owned by Farstad Shipping ASA. The new vessel will be the most advanced within the Farstad-fleet. The 27,500-hp vessel will be one of the biggest and most advanced vessels with- in its segment. Vessel type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UT 732 CD, . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel Contract value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$69 million Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aker Brattvaag, Langsten Delivery time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Summer 2007 Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304 ft. (92.7 m) Deadweight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,800 tons Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rolls-Royce Marine ShipConstructor Supports STEP Import/Export Albacore Research Ltd. (ARL) are cooperating on the development of a translator that will enable ShipConstructor to import and export STEP files containing pipe, HVAC, and equipment data. This will enhance ShipConstructor's interoperability in large shipyard envi- ronments, allow organizations to more easily access legacy data, and simplify the long term storage and retrieval of archival product model data throughout the entire product lifecycle. IPT is developing the translators using the all- new ShipConstructor Application Programming Interface (API) creating intelligent distributed system objects directly in the ShipConstructor Product Model Database. Initially, IPT will develop a translator that enables ShipConstructor to import and export STEP files containing pipe, HVAC, and equipment data. IPT will also develop complementary tools that allow pipe shops to use STEP data most effectively. Subsequent development of the trans- lator will focus on additional data types, such as ship hull molded forms and ship structures. Circle 14 on Reader Service Card Inventory Locator Service, ® LLC 1-800-233-3414 (North America) • 1-901-794-5000 (Worldwide) • 1-901-794-1760 (Fax) • • We’re proud to have kept Inter Seas Services and Trading GmbH steaming ahead. We thank them and all of our longstanding subscribers for letting us be a part of their success. “With ILS, we are able to compete with our biggest competitors without making huge investments.” “We signed up for the ILS e-marketplace because it offers us the exposure of advertising, along with the lead generation of an aggressive marketing campaign at a fraction of the cost. It pro- vides us with highly qualified leads and has introduced us to some significant customers that would never have known about us previously. With ILS, we are able to compete with our biggest competitors without making huge investments. The amount of business ILS has delivered is worth a ten-year subscription.” Ulrich Freudenberger, Managing Director at Inter Seas Services and Trading GmbH, NORDERSTEDT, GERMANY Ulrich Freudenberger and Maike Pabst, Managing Directors Circle 251 on Reader Service Card Circle 289 on Reader Service Card MR NOVEMBER 2005 #5 (33-40).qxd 10/28/2005 9:33 AM Page 36