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Commitment for the long run tii/ V A separator with world-class backing A hassle-free product deserves hassle-free support. That's why Alfa Laval creates a marriage of talents. Our S-separators with Alcap function have a wear-free design and a low number of components. You perform maintenance less often, and when you do it's a simple matter. But that doesn't mean that you're on your own. Around the clock and around the globe, our local staff provides on-site repairs and support in your language. Our standard spare parts can reach you in 24-48 hours, and electronic orders are ready by the time you dock. Wherever you are, we do our best to bring you peace of mind. With our vast experience, we can suggest proven options or tailor a package to meet your needs. So if you're not already working with Alfa Laval, today is a golden opportunity to ring in a change. For more information about Alfa Laval's commitment to your success, visit us at Alfa Laval Inc., phone: 215-443-4021, e-mail: Circle 204 on Reader Service Card May 2004 57