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Protection for the long run A new measure of separation When you're well protected, the world is your oyster. But protection is uncertain when there's no stan- dard to go by. That's why Det Norske Veritas (DNV) - soon to be followed by other classification societies - has introduced a Type Approval for separators as part of their new class notation Fuel. By verifying cleaning ability, it provides a performance standard like those used for engines or filters. Unlike other measurements, the new standard defines how well a separator removes harmful particles at specified flow rates. This is more accurate than comparing flow rates alone, because capacity can be misleading. When capacity incre- ases beyond a certain point, a separator loses its ability to remove particles that threaten your engine. Best of all, the new standard means that separators from all manufacturers can be fairly compared. And that kind of assurance is a pearl of great value - that might just save you a fortune. For more on how type-approved separation performance can ensure your protection, visit us at t^vy^t. Alfa Laval Inc., phone: 215-443-4021, e-mail: Circle 210 on Reader Service Card March 2004 25