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How to construct a tradition of quality. with an almost fanatic commit- ment to build the best barges on the river. You execute that commitment with a work force that is highly trained and expe- rienced. You use NABRICO fittings so you're sure they will actually fit. You make sure that every barge you build will meet or exceed the latest USCG qual- ity and environmental protection requirements. You pay special attention to each of your client's modifications and you don't stop until they're all installed. You make certain the barge looks as good as it will perform. Then you deliver on time to keep your cus- tomer's business moving. Finally, you put your name on it, just like you have been doing for the past 75 years. That way everyone knows just what to expect. Then you start on the next one and do everything exactly the same way. TRINITY MARINE PRODUCTS www. trinitymarineproducts. com Circle 236 on Reader Service Card February 2004 10