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and combines ECDIS, Route Planning and Route Monitoring, ARPA and Radar, and ANTS — with centralized conning display. The Voyager incorporates an adaptive steering control in the automatic track control system, which automatically steers the ship from point to point along a planned route in narrow waters, or across the ocean in the most economical way. The ANTS, or Automatic Naviga- tion and Track-keeping System, has built-in adaptive steering control and a centralized conning display. nView Corp. introduced the Virtual Bridge, providing a panoramic view of the ship's integrated monitoring systems on multiple side-by-side displays. The Virtual Bridge is now offered by nView as an optional capability with SiMON, the Ships Information Monitoring sys- tem. The Virtual Bridge is comprised of up to four large flat-panel LCD displays, mounted end-to-end, running from one central computer. It creates the appear- ance of having one very wide display, capable of providing information from all the ship's critical operating systems simultaneously. The user can easily drag and drop operating information, such as the radar display, electronic charting and SiMON from one screen to the next in any direc- tion with simple point and click func- tions. The information on the displays can be dynamically reconfigured as the captain chooses, using a single computer key- board and mouse. SiMON is an integrat- ed system designed to monitor any sys- tem, subsystem or sensors on the vessel. It collects real-time data from any num- ber of analog or digital sources, and for- mats the data for display on the ship's computers. Polar Marine is sending its Able Bod- ied (AB) seamen to MarineSafety International (MSI) San Diego to become proficient as Radar Observers and ARPA operators. This approach was developed by Polar Marine to enable their AB's to better participate as watchstanders on its new Millennium tankers. The Polar Endeav- or Class vessels are equipped with state- of-the-art Integrated Bridge Systems For further information on the companies listed in the preceding article, please cir- cle the corresponding Reader Service Card number, or for faster service, visit Furuno 54 Kelvin Hughes 55 Kongsberg Maritime 56 Marine Safety Intl. 57 nView Corp 58 STN Atlas Marine Electronics 59 Transas 60 (IBS). When underway, the ABs stand a lookout watch day and night on the ship's Bridge. Due to severe weather conditions in many operational areas, the bridges are fully enclosed from wing to wing. Although they do not relieve the Watch Officer of responsibility, a better-trained Lookout will be better able to assist the Watch Officer in identifying contacts and assessing threats. MarineSafety International will con- duct the nine-day combined Radar Observer and ARPA course at its San Diego Simulator Center. MSI instructors, certified by the USCG under STCW guidelines, will train students in the theory of radar oper- ation, Rules of the Road, rapid radar plotting and relative motion as part of the Radar Observer Course. An exami- nation will be given at the end of the course. ARPA training will include the- ory and systems practical exercises and a USCG approved comprehensive final examination. Graduation from the nine- day course will culminate with the awarding of Radar Observer and ARPA certificates recognized by the USCG. ELIMINATE DUST and WASTE PROBLEMS WHILE CUTTING COSTS !!! Non-recyclable one use abrasive Blasting with METgrit abrasive NOTE: THERE IS NO DUST !! STOP Blast Cleaning with DUSTY Mineral Abrasives Get METgrit Metallic Abrasive to get it done right Metallic steel abrasive provides superior dust- free cleaning for less cost then mineral abrasives. It is no longer necessary to create clouds of blasting dust and thousands of tons of blast waste debris. You do the Math Cost per Ton Slag Purchase Price $100 Disposal Cost $ 90 Total $19 Recycles 0 Actual Cost $190 METgrit $ 350 $ 90 $440 20* $ 22 DISCOVER THE ADVANTAGES OF RECYCLABLE METALLIC ABRASIVES Absolute profile control - lower paint consumption. Lower abrasive cost and no scrap surcharge. Virtually no dust - cleaner work environment. Recycles - minimizes generated waste. Compatible with all conventional blasting equipment. Contains no free silica or heavy metals. Typical QHESAPEAKE $PECIALTY PRODUCTS, INC. 6055 NORTH POINT BLVQ ) BALTIMORE M0 21219 (4101388 50S5 FAX (410)388 5194 Circle 213 on Reader Service Card or visit January, 2002 37