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Ship's Store: Boatbuilder's Guidebook cated to creating state-of-the-art programs to achieve corporate goats; meet and exceed gov- ernment standards; simplify and improve the lives of their customers; and contribute to a safe, healthy and sustainable environment. Circle No. 113 www. maritimereporterinfo. com to Stay Cool With Koldwave Koldwave marine units provide years of superior comfort and performance aboard all types and sizes of marine vessels, from fishing boats to supery- achts to offshore drilling rigs. All units also feature heavy-duty centrifugal blowers; fiberglass insu- lation within the cabinet; securely mounted compressors for quiet operation; and cupro/nickel coils for long life. Circle No. 114 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Denison's Hydraulics Are High Quality Since the company was formed in 1931, the Denison name has been associated with many significant advances and achievements in hydraulics technology. Denison Hydaulics, Inc. _ is one of the world's most fr^&Ll innovative developers of high-performance hydraulic products. Denison serves the global market with dependable, quality hydraulic equipment and systems for demanding applications where superior perfor- mance and rugged durability are required. Circle No. 115 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Lighten Your Load The Hydralift Knuckle Boom Crane performs supply vessel sealift operations as well as inter- nal lifting operations without significant load pendulum. The crane can also be equipped with yokes for drillpipe, casing and riser handling. In addition to the Crane shown here Hydralift also delivers a wide range of Knuckle Boom Cranes: including dedicated Cranes for Horizontal Pipehandling-for floaters, Jack-ups and Fixed Installations. (Crane shown is on Transocean's "Discovery Enterprise). Circle No. 116 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Maritime Associates Technology Can Supply All Of Your Signage Needs We manufacture a complete range of IMO/SOLAS safety signs, posters and LLL pathway systems. However, our vast capabilities extend beyond conventional safe- ty sign requests. We can create and manufacture September, 2001 Your Marine & Offshore Signage Experts NOW...order online! or call for your •• j FREE CD Product Guide h 'Mfm any sign and sign system you require, utilizing an array of materials including our new prod- uct lines and unique base materials, mounting and installation methods, all cost effectively manufactured in the U.S. Circle No. 117 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Rice Propellers The first rice propellers were made in 1911 for the local fishing fleet by Maximino Rice. The company expanded, as the demand for bigger and better propellers grew with the increasing size of the Mexican fishing industry. Today Rice is proud of considering its products to be one of the best in the world and to remain one of the major supplier sof propellers and nozzles for the U.S. market and the Americas. Circle No. 118 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Thermax Builds Better Panels Thermax, non-combustible, non-toxic, marine construction boards are used worldwide for joiner bulk heads, panels, liners, ceilings, door and furniture cores. Thermax has all major regulatory body certifi- cates (USCG, Canada, DNV et al) and meets the requirements of IMO/SOLAS resolu- tions. Thermax is sold, distributed, warehoused laminated and cut to size in North America by PSI. Circle No. 120 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Omnithruster's Jets Answer the Call For 25 years, Omnithruster has been designat- ed as a leading company in the development of (waterjet) maneuvering systems. Omnithruster's unique patented designs, which provide diverse maneuverability and aux- iliary propulsion, have been the installation choice on vessels world- wide. Circle No. 123 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Washburn Doughty Founded in 1977, Washburn & Doughty developed a repu- tation for excellence by build- ing seaworthy and hardwork- ing fishing vessels for the demanding offshore New England waters. Find out what makes a boat built by W&D the choice. Circle No. 124 www. maritimereporter. com Marco Seattle As one of the world leaders in the marine field, MARCO Seattle offers many innovative prod- ucts and services. We are particularly known ARCO SEATTLE KAPLAN i ASSOCIATES, INC Kitt NnrlUMd nf to find Para" Marin. Equipment MHM.H0MM. Mt-fMJd for the design and construction of purse sein- ers, trawlers, and tugboats; the manufacture of hydraulically-powered fishing machinery and systems; open-water oil and pollution clean-up vessels and systems; and marine and industrial purchasing services for export. Circle No. 125 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Kaplan & Assoc. Offers Drive Solutions Kaplan & Associates, Inc. is a United States Manu- facturer of Heavy-Duty Outboard Drive Marine Propulsion Systems and Tunnel (Bow) Thrusters. This includes Seal Kits, Gear Sets, Overhaul Kits, "Hard to Find Parts", New & Used Thruster, Prop Shafts and Marine Equipment as well. Circle No. 127 www. maritimereporterinfo. com American Allsafe Co. Protects American Allsafe Company is a leading manu- facturer of personal protective equipment, and has been protecting America's workers since 1920. American Allsafe Company has provid- ed innovative personal protective products over the years, keep- ing in step with the market's changing needs and offering a broad range of pro- tection. Our line of products includes eye, face, head, hearing, respiratory and weld- ing protection, as well as first aid kits, pedes- trian floor warning systems, traffic control and seasonal products. Circle No. 128 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Sure Seal Connector Engineering Design Guide Sure Seal connectors are rugged, low-cost and environmentally sealed. The free guide is a com- plete design resource pro- viding applications overview, technical speci- fications, detailed test data, dimensions, and assembly instructions. If you need an inex- pensive sealed connector Sure Seal is your solu- tion. Circle No. 129 www. maritimereporterinfo. com Silex Helps To Keep Things Quiet Silex services a broad range of industry sectors throughout the world, including Power Genera- tion, Marine and Gas Compression, and have invested heavily in new technology to assist in the development of the next phase of silencers and acoustical enclosures. Silex has grown based on an emphasis on quality and customer service. Circle No. 130 DESIGN SERVICES FOR HIGH SPEED SHIPS BASIC DESIGN CLASS APPROVAL DESIGN •B^- ENGINEERING ShipTech A/S, Marine Consultants Slotsmarken 17, DK-2970 Harsholm. Denmark Telephone: +45 45 76 42 10, Telefax: +45 45 76 42 20 Email: Circle 269 on Reader Service Card or visit 57