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World's shipyards taking next step in automation Grit blasting soon to be a thing of the past High-production robotic coatings removal is currently revolutionizing the world's shipyards. UltraStrip Systems has developed a state-of-the-art hydroblasting robotic system that is setting the standard lor coatings removal. This exciting new system has the highest production rate in the world (approx. 200 square meters per hour). While ship owners are turning away from traditional grit blasting, shipyards are turning to hydroblasting. Increased profitability and production The direct operating costs ol this new system is dramatically lower than what shipyards are currently paying. There is also a significant time savings. Not only is the time for the coatings removal process significantly reduced, but additional repair work can take place while the hydroblasting robot is at work. By permitting repair and maintenance work to occur concurrently wi th surface preparation, the robotic hydroblasting system effectively creates additional dry- docking capacity and additional shipping capacity for ship owners at no additional price. Simultaneous repair operations will increase productivity of their ships, while shipyards can have the equivalent of new docking facilities without the need for substantial capital investment. Here's how it works The M2000 is comprised of three major component assemblies: the robotic vehicle, an ultra-high-pressure (UHP) pump and a vacuum/filtration system. The robot is controlled by an operator wi th a h lghly sensitive "joystick" device, allowing 360° movement and astounding responsiveness to ship curvatures. The pump supplies filtered water to the magnetically attached robotic vehicle hich strips coatings and corrosion to the ship's clean steel substrate ^ patented and proprietary meth^p^ 01111 m /P.ltW •Tin .fp^ «r The vacuum /fil the contaminate separates all parti from the waste wa clean water back- closed loop for environment. /// / M2000 s closed loop system allows zero discharge to the environment "You only have to take a walk around any ship repair facility today to see the mountains ol used blast medium which are toxic and which are a major headache not only for the environmentalists, but also (or the shipyards themselves. When you add to that the fact that the hulls ol today's ocean going vessels are coated wi th tin based anti-fouhng soon to be phased out, then unless some controlled, environmentally acceptable method ol is found, it will be an I believe that the are the ^hipyard $ get M|Vm \H Superior fa 1 ^ fJ f,1 With a s*rit{>1 removal ra^ f j 1 than conve/- M-200 (m/j w /k ULTRASTRIP SYSTEMS, INC. 3515 S.E. LIONEL TERRACE STUART, FLORIDA 001 USA 34996 561 287 4846 [t] 561 781 4778 [f] We Icomc to the fu tu re - NOW! Circle 298 on Reader Service Card m2000