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Legal Beat tion privilege under the Fifth Amend- ment to former employees holding cor- porate documents. The court reasoned that after an individual leaves a corpora- tion, he no longer is a custodian for any corporate document and any act of pro- ducing documents in response to the grand jury subpoena would be an act in an individual capacity. The court point- ed out, however, that the government is not left with recourse to recover the doc- uments in possession of a former employee. The government is free to seek and obtain a search warrant to recover the documents without com- pelling their production by the person in possession. Conclusion Complying with a federal grand jury subpoena requiring the production of documents is a serious undertaking. Thus, a diligent and complete effort should be made to locate documents ABS responsive to the subpoena. The failure to do so may expose the business to a civil contempt sanction or a criminal contempt conviction. The preceding was authored by Thomas M. DiBiagio, Dyer Ellis & Joseph, Washington, D.C. Spain Chosen As Partner Country of SMM 2000 The Instituto Espanol de Comercio Exterior, ICEX, (Spanish Export Insti- tute) will bring together more than 50 companies in the Shipbuilding, Machin- ery & Marine Technology International Exhibition (SMM Hamburg), in the ABS World Headquarters Houston, TX USA Tel: 1-281-877-5800 Fax: 1-281-877-5803 Email: ABS Europe Division London, England Tel: 44-207-247-3255 Fax: 44-207-377-2453 Email: ABS Pacific Division Singapore Tel: 65-276-8700 Fax: 65-276-8711 Email: ABS Americas Division Houston, TX USA Tel: 1-281-877-6000 Fax: 1-281-877-6001 Email: TX 01/00 025 Website: Circle 201 on Reader Service Card biggest ever Spanish representation in a tradefair of the marine sector. Spain is to be the official Partner Country at SMM, widely regarded as the most influential ship machinery exhibition in the world. Its exhibitors in 1998 came from 42 countries and attracted over 36,000 visitors from 50 different countries. The Spanish national pavilion will be the biggest in SMM 2000 and cover an area in excess of 1,000 sq. m. In these confines will be 27 equipment manufac- turing companies, four of them engine manufacturers, plus three engineering companies and five service specialists, which, together with 12 shipyards, will give a fine sample of the very best that Spain has to offer in this sector. Spain's representation will also include five associations, two national and three regional, to give, between them, a good idea of the whole sector. SMM 2000 is scheduled from Septem- ber 26-30 in Hamburg, a fitting host as one of the world's foremost shipping cities. Last year Spain's shipbuilding industry had a turnover in excess of $ 1.4 billion, of which 85 percent was for export; these activities generate more than 40,000 jobs in Spain. The Spanish shipbuilding sector boasts 51 shipyards and can tackle complex projects like FPSOs and shuttle tankers built to oper- ate in the North Sea or dual drilling units for the Gulf of Mexico. TYPE APPROVAL PROGRAM From the CE Mark to USCG Regulations... ABS Type Approval is your Pathway to the Global Marketplace