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sessions. Off-site, we are currently partnered with Total Safety in Lafayette. The training professionals of Total Safety provide instruction for several sessions in NEST while providing all training facilities for class sizes up to 30 employees. MR/EN: How often are training program "classes" held? What percentage of the employee base partici- pates at any one time? Adams: The number of NEST sessions held depends on our activity and current level of hiring. During the first half of 2000, we have scheduled one session per month. Due to the high level of new employee hiring during the first quarter of 2000, we have held addition- al sessions to meet this high demand. All new employ- ees who have been hired since the previous NEST ses- sion was held will attend. In addition, more experi- enced employees will attend these training sessions to have their expired training renewed. The average num- ber of attendees at a NEST session varies from 25-40 employees (two-three percent of the employee base in the Gulf Coast). MR/EN: Are the classes mandatory? Are there option- al classes for employees interested in getting more training? Adams: All Schlumberger employees are required to attend NEST within the first 90 days of employment. Most employees will attend within their first two to four weeks with the company. All of the training ses- sions in NEST are mandatory and many require annu- al refresher training. In addition to these sessions, there are several other mandatory safety training classes that Schlumberger employees attend. A wide variety of optional classes are also available to employees via dif- ferent forms of media, including classroom instruction, video, CD-ROM, and Web-based training. MR/EN: What penalties exist for non-compliance to the safety policies, or non-attendance to the sessions? Knode: Progressive discipline is applied to those vio- lating safety policies. Bonuses and merit increases can also be withheld or reduced when policy is violated or safety competency requirements were not met. skills will have to be developed in the workforce so that this system can be fully utilized. Language and other barriers that do not manifest themselves in the class- rooms will be brought out during the implementation of the new training. Adams: The Schlumberger safety program and the training it entails, including NEST, is continuously Stainless Steel Sheaves & Blocks •Tough, rugged, cold formed sheaves. • Corrosion resistant. •Work hardened grooves for extended rope life. ' • Lifetime lubricated sealed bearings. • High sheave to rope ratio • Side members of the blocks are also stainless steel. Send for a complete catalogue of Jeamar products. JeamarWincties 1051 Clinton Street, Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. 14206 Toil Tel: 1-877-884-8118 • Fax: 1-877-569-9909 Free1 V, Visit our web site at: Email: April, 2000 Circle 264 on Reader Service Card Adams: Schlumberger employees monitor the status of their training utilizing a Safety Pass-! port. The Passport records training sessions the employee has attended, participation in safety activities, active involvement on teams such as the LPT and special safety recognition. Based upon the validity dates recorded in the Pass- port, each employee is responsible for schedul- ing attendance at safety classes when they are due for an update. Each individual has an annual performance objective to ensure all required safety training is current. Failure to attend scheduled training sessions would result in an individual being unable to achieve this performance goal. MR/EN: What steps are taken to ensure the policies and skills learned in training are kept up during the workday? Are there random checks? Weekly meetings? Knode: There are daily, weekly and monthly safety meetings held at the facilities. Pre and, post-job safety meetings are held on the well- site. Hazard observation cards are used to iden- tify unsafe acts or conditions. Routine inspec- tions of the facility and work-sites are con- ducted by different levels of management. Each of these reinforce the competencies gained in the safety training. Adams: Each facility conducts a program of regular safety meetings, which are led by management and the LPT. In addi- tion, daily safety meetings are con- ducted at the job site and a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is completed on each operation performed. Each Schlum- berger employee is taught to observe the actions of others and to shut down any operation deemed unsafe until cor- rective action is taken. In addition, a detailed audit program is used to eval- uate facilities, management systems and job sites. These audits are con- ducted by all levels of management to ensure safety policies and standard operating procedures are being fol- lowed. MR/EN: Are there changes planned for your program in the next one to five years? New courses or skills added, or dropped? Knode: We will move towards a behavioral-based safety program that will require training for observation of safe behaviors. A migration away from traditional classroom training towards computer-based training for those courses that can be delivered via dis- tance learning is underway. Computer Electric Winches Tough, rugged, continuous Heavy Duty Winches. Conforms to International Standards. Extensive range of options. Grooved drums, free spooling, controls, limit switches and many more. Line pulls from 400 lbs to 75,000 lbs single line pull. Send for a complete catalogue of Jeamar products. JeamarWincties 1051 Clinton Street, Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. 14206 ESJel: 1-877-884-8118 • Fax: 1-877-569-9909 Visit our web site at: k Email: Circle 258 on Reader Service Card J i2 ON YOUR TOUGHEST JOB. CHAIN PATTERN ANCHOR PATTERN MARQUIP marine towing shackles can handle it. SWL 32-185 TONS o Maxium load capacities and safety B High-strength alloy steel construction 0 Easy installation Towing plates, too, plus many more products from one of the largest inven- tories of marine equipment in the USA. C CUSTOMER SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK ) 1-800-851-3429 WASHINGTON CHAIN AND SUPPLY, INC. P.O. Box 3645 • 2901 Utah Avenue South • Seattle, Washington 98124 FAX (206) 621-9834 • E-mail: VISIT OUR WEB SITE FOR MORE INFORMATION: Circle 249 on Reader Service Card 37