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liuildiT Mjcllum & karlsen Vessel name Gcco-Kaiilc Vessel t\ pe Seismi recording vessel Owner Gccoship A/S. Slavangfcr streamers deployed for well over a year and have encountered barnacles and other growths of amazing proportions. With its five-year docking interval, Geco Eagle streamers are likely to spend a very long time continuously deployed in the water. Signifying the best of an outstanding new crop of seismic vessels, the Norwe- gian-built wedge-shaped Geco Eagle sports a 121 ft. (37m) wide back deck to store and deploy more recording equip- ment than any other vessel afloat, but the unique shipshape does not lead to a trade-off in capacity. The ability to survey more territory in a time and cost efficient manner has directly led to the tremendous push for deeper water resources exploration. Geco-Prakla routinely deploys 6 km streamers and the slim Nessie-4 stream- ers and large streamer reels will enable Geco Eagle to easily deploy streamers over 8km. Geco Eagle is equipped with the Monowing* II deflector system, which coupled with lightweight towing leads, has already been proven to deliver 1,400 meter wide spreads without the help of other vessels. The highest capacity vessels previous to Geco Eagle in the Schlumberger fleet were already deploying footprints up to 8 sq. km. Geco Eagle — if you can excuse the expression — effectively knocks all existing records out of the water with its massive footprint up to 11 sq. km. With 20 tow points, Geco Eagle is able to shoot very high-resolution 3-D. It is not only the vessel's capacity, but also its flexibility that sets Geco Eagle apart. Geco Eagle has a specially designed 36-ft. (10.9 m) workboat that is easy to deploy, is completely self-contained — with enclosed cabin and navigation sys- tem and is very fast moving. It can pick up, exchange and store 100 m streamer sections, has underwater cameras and a unique streamer cleaning system. Geco-Prakla vessels have already kept Main Particulars Flag Panama Length, (o.a.) 311 ft. (94.8 m) Length, (b.p.) 281 ft. (85.8 m) Breadth, (molded) 79 ft. (24 m) Breadth, (extreme) 121 ft. (37 m) Draft 25 ft. (7.5 m) GT 10,846 Main engines 4x 4,050 kW Auxiliary engines Volvo Penta 250 kW Speed 16 knots Lifeboats Norsafe It's so easy you literally don't have to lift a finger. At the press of a button, PhoneConnect will put you through to one of your ships. Simply point to a ship on your personalised web-page on the Internet, click once, and your phone will ring with the ship on the end of the line. You don't have to remember (or keep a list of) all your ships' Inmarsat phone numbers. There's a choice of immediate or delayed call back from the ship you're dialling. Plus you can choose from multi- ple call back options - to your office, your home or even your cellular phone. And because you're calling over the Internet you're charged at the lowest Inmarsat rates - so it's also cost-effective. And as you'd expect from one of the world's lead- ing satellite communications providers, PhoneConnect is just one of a whole range of services - from all the Inmarsat options and the latest M4 DataPhone service to the new Private Satellite Networks - that you can use to stay in touch across the globe. Station 12. The ultimate satellite connection. Job title Company Address City State Country Zipcode E-mail Phone Fax For more information call +31 255 545 111 or fax +31 70 334 50 82 or e-mail to station or write to Station 12, PO Box 600. 2501 CP The Hague. The Netherlands PhoneConnect: 4 CM The uniquely shaped Geco Eagle is helping Schlumberger to sur- vey larger areas more time and cost effi- ciently in the quest to continually discover resources in deeper waters. December, 1999 Circle 273 on Reader Service Card 47