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McLean Named Man Of The Century; Lowman Earns Humanitarian Award The Maritime Association of the Port of New York and New Jersey sponsored a tribute to Malcolm P. McLean, founder of Container Shipping and George F. Lowman, chairman and CEO, Farrell Lines, at the International Hall of Fame Awards Dinner on the evening of May 12, 1999. Held in the Delegates Dining Room of the United MARINE INCINERATORS • Jj Therm Tec introduces the Mariner™ line H. of MARPOL compliant shipboard trash and sludge burning equipment. Designed, i built and stocked in the USA. Lower cost • than imported units, and engineered for easy operation and maintenance with spares available off the shelf. Rugged, automated controls and safety features, a size range to suit vessels from crew boats to aircraft carriers, user specified fuel and electrical supplies, weather deck or machinery flat location, and choice of manual or automatic feed make Mariner™ the solution to your shipboard waste processing problem. Visit our web site or call us at (503) 625- 7575, fax (503) 625-6161 or write 20525 SW Cipole road, Tualatin, OR 97062 to find out how 25 years of experience in incineration technology can work for you. Circle 291 on Reader Service Card Circle 255 on Reader Service Card (Pictured L-R): George F. Lowman, chairman and CEO of Farrell Lines; and Malcolm P. McLean, the founder of Container Shipping. TRACTOR PINS FOR TODAY'S TUGS WESTERN MACHINE WORKS 1870 Harbour Road - North Vancouver, B. C. - Canada - V7H 1A1 Phone: (604) 929 -7901 Fax: (604) 929-7951 or (604) 929-5329 Circle 301 on Reader Service Card Nations, the gala event honored McLean, who is tht founder of Container Shipping as Man of the Century and Lowman, who received the Hall of Fame's pre miere Humanitarian Award. Described by Forbes Magazine as "one of the few men who changed the world," McLean founded the trucking company that bears his name in 1934 — which became one of the largest trucking firms in the U.S. After divesting his company to establish McLean Industries, he introduced what would later become an innovation for the 20th Century — container shipping through Sea-Land Service. Using his own means McLean established this concept which eventually set Sea-Land up for rank as the world's largest shipping company. Sea Land was later sold to R.J. Reynolds in 1969. McLean continued his presence in the maritime industry almost 30 years later when, in 1992, he formed the foundation for Trailer Bridge — the first company to construct vessels specifically for 53 ft (16.1 m) containers. The only individual, (according to New York Exchange Officials), to have found five public compa nies — three of which are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, McLean has garnered an impressive list of awards and citations throughout his career. Namely, the American Legion Merchant Marine Award, presented to McLean in 1958 at the White House by then-Presi dent Dwight Eisenhower, as well as an appointment in 1970 by former President Richard Nixon to serve on the Commission on International Trade and Investment Policy. Lowman Helps Less Fortunate In Times Of Crisis According to the International Hall of Fame Com mittee, the recipient of the 1999 Humanitarian Award must possess qualities such as contributions to the well-being of a broad spectrum of the world population and a demonstration of a rapid response to world humanitarian efforts or appeals in times of emergency George F. Lowman, chairman and CEO of Farrell Lines more than adequately exemplifies these qualities since becoming chairman of the board with the compa- ny in 1978, and CEO since 1979. Active on both the East and West Coasts of Africa Farrell Lines operates major runs of relief supplies in the Black, Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas. It is because of Lowman's generosity that this program continues to run successfully in bringing aid in times of crisis. Supplying such necessities as food, medical sup- plies and emergency tenting, Farrell has opened its entire fleet to meet the needs of those less fortunate. Lowman received both his undergraduate and law degree from Harvard University. A Fellow, a Captain and Honorary Member of the American Bar Associa tion since 1957, he was the senior partner in the Stam ford, Conn, law firm of Cummins & Lockwood and president of the city's Bar Association from 1963-1964 Before assuming his current position, Lowman also held a career in the armed forces. A veteran of World War II, he was enlisted in 1942 with the highest rank S/Sgt., eventually earning the title of Lt.Col that same year. Active in combat assignment of the famed D-Day invasion in Southern France, the highly-decorated offi- cer held his title of Lt. Col., in the U.S. Army Reserve until his retirement from the armed forces in 1970. Lowman, a three-time inductee into the Hall off Fame offered his words of gratitude regarding his recent honor. "I was pleased to receive the Humanitarian Award," he said. "It is a great honor to be recognized by the Maritime Association." Maritime Reporter/Engineering News BAIER MARINE HATCHES... THE STRONGEST HATCH TO EVER HIT THE DECK. Cast Galvanized Steel • Aluminum • Stainless Steel • Bronze • We stock a huge inventory with same day shipping. • Trusted in the Marine Industry for 52 years. 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