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Oceanroutes Helps Steer Vessels To Safety In Inclement Weather Provisions for the routing of contain- erships servicing the Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific trades — specifically Ori- ent Overseas Container Line (OOCL), have been implemented by WNI Ocean- routes. A leading transportation com- pany, OOCL utilizes all that WNI offers within its services and products hub: Optimum Weather Routing, ORION for onboard guidance and the POLARIS fleet management system. "Together, Optimum Weather Routing and ORION help us maintain schedule and integrity and minimize weather risks," said Alfred H.Y. Cheung, man- ager Nautical Advisory & Safety Audit Section for OOCL's Ship Management Department. Proven as an imperative tool for schedule and safety manage- ment, POLARIS has helped OOCL by furthering its already effective manage- ment style and high-tech image. POLARIS grants an overview of a ves- sel's revised position in addition to its weather patterns. In addressing the needs of ship opera- tors based in the choppy North Sea, Oceanroutes meets their concerns with the development of its first PC-based Offshore Weather System. Established in 1985, the program is touted as great- ly improving in the presentation of off- shore weather. Oceanroutes newest project in this field is SATURN — building on the positive feedback of its first satellite system. Powered by any new-generation PC, SATURN height- tion of the model to various conditions, such as a loading configuration, a dam- age situation, conditions involving out- side forces, wind or high speed turning momentum. The program can be used to obtain hull form characteristics and capacities. New features for Autohydro 5 include a fixed weight dialog with ability to define distributed weights; user-defin- able report format; capability to evalu- ate dynamic criteria; and user control over position of section displayed in body view. Circle 70 on Reader Service Card EPA Refrigerant Reg Software Released In an attempt to raise awareness of EPA regulations and enforcements, Environmental Support Solutions of Mesa, Ariz., has released the latest ver- sion of its refrigerant regulations com- pliance and management program, Refrigerant Compliance Manager 99. Circle 68 on Reader Service Card August, 1999 51 ens both the presentation of offshore forecasts as well as the convenience of user interaction. User functions consist of chart animation, zoom and parame- ters. With the click of a computer mouse, SATURN's ability to sample the main offshore forecast parameters — particularly wind and wave, is activated. Each map background is specifically tai- lored to each client's offshore forecast sites with data that can be printed out or saved to a file. SATURN can also be transferred to a corporate Intranet giving international operators the ability to access forecast data. The useful infor- mation is applied to rigs and/or plat- forms spread out from South America, up to Arctic Norway and the Tropical Far East. SATURN is Y2K ready and expected to carry the presentation of off- shore weather forecasts into the next millennium. Circle 65 on Reader Service Card Total CAD/CAM Solutions lW • « a u t o s h i p Systems Corporation huXhydro HEAD OFFICE Autoship Systems Corporation 312 • 611 Alexander Street Vancouver • BC V6A 1E1 • Canada Tel: 604.254.4171 Fax: 604.254.5171 email: AUTHORIZED DEALERS Australia & New Zealand, China, Egypt, France, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Scandinavia & Germany, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom & Eire, Iceland, Venezuela, Vietnam Look to Autoship Systems Corporation for setting the industry standard in innovative marine design and construction software. Relied upon for years by naval architects around the world, Autohydro, the market leading hydrostatics and stability program, has just gotten better. Our new 32 bit Autohydro brings you faster processing, more damage/flood simulations, an enhanced Windows™ user interface, both A4 and 81/2 "x 11" size reports, and much more. These new features clearly show our continued commitment to providing affordable state of the art software solutions that meet your needs. > Autoship > Auto power > Autohydro > Auto build > Auto plate > AutoA/C "Autoship Systems: Your Total Solution Provider For CAD/CAM Marine Software." H Contact us today for your free CD-ROM and product catalogue I Autodesk. Registered Developer View Your Entire Lo Operation In One Glance! The ori-deck cargo loading display is designed for use by shipboard personnel on board tank ships and barges to view the complete loading operation in one glance. It is built for the harshest environ- ments of temperature, water, salt, and vibration. It is approved by both ABS and USCG in full com- pliance for on-deck cargo loading operations. • Tank ullages in feet, inches or meters. • Individual tanks rate-of-fill or empty in BBLS/Tons/GAL or metric. • Individual tanks time-to-full or empty in HR/Minutes. • Individual tank temperatures. • Header pressure. • Individual pump status ON/OFF. • Two alarm set points for ullage, temperatures and pressures. ELECTRONIC MARINE SYSTEMS, INC. 800 Ferndale Place Rahway, NJ 07065 Call today for more information! 732.382.4344 732.388.5111 fax e-mail Circle 277 on Reader Service Card Circle 205 on Reader Service Card