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Mari llSMpKBAR PRIMAR The PRIMAR Service consists of the supply of official Electronics Navigation Charts (ENCs), which includes weekly updates, and is sold through a number of autho- ! rized distributors. The ENCs | delivered by the PRIMAR I Service is fully compliant with IMO and IHO stan- dards, so that they may be used legally to navigate any ship, including those subject to the IMO SOLAS convention when used within an approved ECDIS. Circle No. 152 SLICKBAR This eight-page brochure describes all of the various oil spill response products manu- factured by SLICKBAR. Sec- tions are dedicated to Oil Booms, Oil Skimmers & Skimmer Systems, Vacuum Systems, Disper- sant Spray Systems, Floating Lagoon Baffles and more. Circle No. 158 Anglo Belgian Corporation USA Anglo Belgian Corporation's (ABC) team of engineers, assisted by a CAD-CAM computer, is at the disposi- tion of its customers. They can assure the engineering and the conception of com- plete propulsion systems, diesel power sta- tion, pumping station and re-engineering problems. Circle. No. 155 Climax Portable Machine Tools This 8-page color brochure describes features and benefits of Climax's line of portable boring, milling, turning, Bang facing, pipe end prep and valve remachining tools. Cli- max tools reduce downtime and dismantling costs for repairs by machin- ing equipment right in place. Circle No. 156 ONCE Y'll'Vl .HomO ItU REST E TO THE BEST come fo the best New England Marine Qf^^nptiSnc^^Mlitia 1 T 1 * 1 "Q^^smm^ and Industrial iBS New England Marine and _ „ Industrial has three conve- WMahim-AND m.: nient locations in the North- I east: Portsmouth, NH; Brant Rock, MA; and Stonington, ME. Since 1976 they have carried "from anchors to zincs and everything in between," including chain and fittings, Hooven Allison ropes, Sterans safety gear, and a full line of tuna gear. Circle No. 157 UI.HIIH Total Corrosion Protection Concept Jotun Paints is a global man- ufacturer of coatings and cathodic protection for the marine market. Jotun offers a total corrosion protection concept for the constant battle against corro- August, 1999 sion at sea. With an emphasis on life cycle costs, the new Floating Production and Transport recommends paint systems for all areas of a vessel. Circle No. 173 t£j_EU SUPERIOR ENERGIES INC. TEMP-SET® INSULATION COVERS MANUFACTURING AND CONTRACTING Removable Reusable Temp-Set Insulation Covers, Manifolds, Turbos, Silencers, and complete Exhaust Systems. • Reduce engine room temperature • Lower engine room noise • Easy to assemble • Coast Guard Compliant ACOUSTICAL INSULATION ASBESTOS ABATEMENT TURN-KEY JOBS Let us take care of all your insulation and abatement needs WANT SUPERIOR QUALITY WANT SUPERIOR SERVICE CALL SUPERIOR ENERGIES INC. 1-800-BUY-SEI-1 P.O. Drawer 386, Groves TX 77619 Telephone: (409) 962-8549 Fax: (409) 962-4027 Website: Circle 289 on Reader Service Card JACK-OF-ALL-TRADES. The Lang Range is built to suit the varying needs of all types of marine galleys. • Blue and brown water vessels. • Cooktop arrangements: griddles, hot tops, french plates. • Bake and Roast or Convection Cooking. To learn more about Lang's line of heavy- duty marine galley equipment, call: 1-800-882-6368 6500 Merrill Creek Parkway Everett, WA 98203 Circle 277 on Reader Service Card Circle 228 on Reader Service Card 47 Ha m One-Tenth of an for All Liquid Cargos! This technology requires no in-tank support. The structure has proven reliability on over 10,000 tanks worldwide and has complete milspec self- diagnostics. • Made of two materials: teflon and stainless steel. • Can include multiple temperatures. • Can include tank header pressures. • USCG and ABS approved for closed tank gauging. • FM approved Class I, Div. I, Group C & D. • Big Blue compatible. • Readout in BBLS/Tons/GAL, etc. • Sea-made for leak detection. • Multiple display options. • Complete load Management Software. • Embedded Pump Control capability. 732.382.4344 732.388.5111 fax e-mail ELECTRONIC MARINE SYSTEMS, INC. 800 Ferndale Place Rabway, NJ 07065 Call today for more information!