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I M,mm Dry Air Technology Dry Air Technology designs, I engineers and manufactures custom fans, ventilation equipment and dehumidifiers. We offer a full line of high | performance, portable, light- weight ventilators and dehu- midifiers. Made of high-density polyethyl- ene, these durable, maintenance-free, corro- sion-resistant products are perfect for heavy industrial needs. Circle No. 145 Loeffler Loeffler Corporation, a pre- mier supplier of ship valves to the U.S. Navy since 1926 has, free for the asking, a catalog of angle hose valves in 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 inches sizes in 250 lb. Navy as well as 150 lb. and 300 lb. Commercial ratings. Hose threads can be modified to meet specific require- ments. Circle No. 146 Kiene Diesel Accessories Kiene Diesel Accessories manufactures a complete line of Cylinder Pressure Indicators KIENE DtESEl ACCESSORIES, INC. 46 Circle 283 on Reader Service Card for measuring diesel engine firing pressures, along with indicator valves and acces- sories for most of the diesel engines manufac- tured. Kiene can provide stock as well as solutions for obsolete or discontinued prod- ucts. Circle No. 147 WNI Oceanroutes WNI's unrivaled marine weather forecasting experience was first applied to the rapidly expanding field of explo- ration offshore for oil and gas in the early 1970's. Today the group has a network of offices at strategic locations around the world, providing the very highest level of ser- vice which takes into account both oil indus- try demands and local climate. The portfo- lio of services for offshore activities includes early seismic surveys, exploration drilling, construction and long term production. Circle No. 148 Fjord, Inc. Chafe-Pro, manufactured by Fjord, Inc., protects marine- lines from chafe. This unique patented device binds to the line thereby preventing it from slipping. Chafe-Pro is in use by the U.S. Navy and Canadian Coast Guards, MARAD, and the towing industry. Call 407-777-4185 or Circle No. 149 Going Beyond the Industrial PC Put this robust reliable PC control/data display anywhere on your ship. Compare ProPanel's thin profile and compact footprint to bulky monitors and enclosures. Its totally sealed design excludes liquids, particulate, EMI/RFI, shock and vibration. Find us on the Web at Circle No. 150 Sudmash Ftc. Sudmash Ftc. is a shipbuilding machinery enterprise, carrying out all stages of design, manufacture, supply and service for: deck equipment, including cargo cranes, steering gears, winches and thrusters; power engi- neering, including gas/steam turbo generators, pumps, and motors; and general machin- ery. Mail to: Web site: Circle No. 151 1 Det Norske Veritas Det Norske Veritas (DNV) is an independent, autonomous foundation established in 1864 with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the environment. DNV has 5,600 employees and 300 offices in 100 countries. About 550 employees are in North America. As a lead- ing Classification Society, DNV establishes rules for the construction of ships and carries out inspection of ships. Circle No. 169 IT'S NOW TIME QFT% J0RKERVE OJR EXHIBITION SPACE! Ship Repair &Conversion THE SHIP MAINTENANCE EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE OLYMPIA 2, LONDON, 10-11 NOVEMBER 1999 . To make an immediate reservation contact: Veronica Gwynn-Jones Tel+44 20 8878 9333 Fax +44 20 8878 9902 or Craig Moyes Tel+44 20 7553 1363 Fax +4420 75531738 E-mail WE WISH TO PARTICIPATE AT THE SHIPREPAIR & CONVERSION 99 EXHIBITION PLEASE CONTACT ME ABOUT STAND AVAILABILITY IMMEDIATELY An |L|L|P| event Name Company Address _ E-mail Date COMPLETE AND Position. Signature. FAX THIS FORM TODAY ON +44 20 7553 Return to: ShipRepair & Conversion Secretariat, LLP Maritime Exhibitions & Conferences, LLP Limited, Gilmoora House, 57-61 Mortimer Street London W1N8JX United Kingdom. 1738