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Sailor — When Safety Counts With Sailor maritime radio equipment you are always on safe ground, even when you are on the open sea. And " safety is what counts on every vessel - for the crew as well as for the owner. Ever since Mr. Simon Petersen founded the company S.P. m Radio in 1948, the green Sailor radios have ruled the seven seas. After more than 50 years of innovation and constantly improving our products, we have learned that a good reputation and loyal customers do not just appear on their own accord - they have to be earned. Circle No. 120 Flexlight — Remote wt^wjm Controlled Searchlight Flexlight meets, and exceeds all class requirements thanks to its unique design of reflec- tors. Its products offer the following: remote controlled searchlight with a unique movement, rotating 360 degrees horizontally and 360 degrees vertically simul- Circle 269 on Reader Service Card commercial shipping taneously, non-stop without end position, no risk for cable breakages, and remote control with auto-focusing. Plus, Flexlight provides a wide section of light power! Circle No. 121 Hellenic Shipyards Over the years, Hellenic Shipyards Co. has acquired a very solid reputation in the ship repair and conversion markets. It has demonstrated its technical capabilities by tackling compli- cated and specialized repairs varying from complete bottom hull repairs, to extensive engineering works, to the complete re-tubing of uncommon main boilers, etc. In addition to having carried out repairs on all types of vessels, it has also been involved in repairs of oil rigs and other floating installations. Circle No. 122 Singapore Technologies Marine Singapore Technologies Marine has the capacity to undertake extensive ship repair work from jumboiza- tion, conversion, refurbishment, reactivation to upgrading of various military and com- mercial vessels. Its commitment to achieving faster turnover, competitive pricing and qual- ity workmanship, are virtues that position it in the forefront of a competitive market. Supported by excellent facilities and technol- ogy, and a highly trained workforce, Singa- pore Technologies Marine is geared to meet all of its customer's needs. Circle No. 123 Haley Marine Gears Inc. Haley's Highly Resilient Couplings (HRC) is a highly flexible, vibration-isolating torsional coupling with important dampening abili- ties. The HRC Coupling is designed for use between vibration sources and the rest of the power- train, e.g., the engine may be isolated from the gearbox, generator, pump or propeller. The ease of maintenance and disassembly, are among the features that make the Haley HRC coupling the choice for today's applica- tions. The Haley HRC coupling is offered in three different configurations to meet the customer's unique needs. The Haley HRC coupling is manufactured in ten basic sizes for each series. The basic size of the HRC coupling depends on the mean torque and severity of service. Circle No. 124 Cooper Power Tools — Master Power Launches New Line You can get the most out of this versatile tool whether you are grinding corners, entering grooves or channels, deburring, or strap polishing. The new MasterFile line from Master Power is unique in that it offers you the flexibility of ordering it with only one contact arm that the cus- tomer selects or any of three different inter- 44 Circle 241 on Reader Service Card Give your coatings Job the inspection It deserves Take the MCE 3-day Marine Coating Inspection Course and learn: 0 inspection procedures 0 marine standards and shipyard regs 0 surface preparation 0 coating types & properties 0 survey methods on hulls and tanks 0 application techniques 0 dry docking, record-taking, and more! For course information, contact NACE: Phone: 281/228-6285 • Fax: 281/228-6329 E-mail: Ask for the NACE Education and Training Guide