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to make sure you get your share of the anticipated $3 billion worth of new business in the marine industry this coming year. M A REX THE NATIONAL MARINE EXCHANGE 0.B.1.J jive:' w W w . m a r e.x; c oitK toll free.: 1.888.451 .4111 begins when uou REGISTER HUH NflREX |HE NEW WAVE OF MARINE BUSINESS IS ERE. WITH THOUSANDS OF MARINE jUYERS READY TO PLACE ORDERS, MORE lUPPLIERS ARE NEEDED FOR MAREX, THE 'ORLD'S ONLY ONLINE MARKETPLACE.By Imply clicking on the MAREX icon, marine businesses Jom around the country are now able to order a variety products (are yours included yet?), arrange for ship- ment (via UPS, FedEx, RPS, RoadWay), and make the pay- nents (major credit cards, checks, direct deposits). It's bst and easy. With online access readily available through fTE Internetworking. MAREX makes marine transactions luch more convenient for both buyers and sellers, tonducted in real-time, not days or weeks. Reaching a staggering number of buyers you never knew existed. With the potential of adding thousands of new business customers to your "sales force" (with thousands more waiting to come aboard). How much will it cost you to be able to compete and sell your products to these new customers? Not a dime. And what do you have to do to take advantage of this new marketplace and to make sure you get your share of its estimated $3 billion worth of business? Nothing. Just register. For information and/or registration (for the trade only) contact us online at, or call us toll free at 1.888.451.4111. Circle 200 on Reader Service Card MAREX is a product of Affiliated Networks, Inc., a publicly traded company, with online access available through GTE Internetworking.