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Full Control at Your Fingertips. BridgeControl Integrated Bridge System BridgeControl The modern, flexible design can be used for all ship's bridges and all conceivable ship's operating requirements. The user-friendly technology designed for One Man Bridge operation reduces workload and stress. The Raytheon Anschutz bridge concept achieves the goal of improving safety, efficiency and operational economy through functional integration of Radar, ECDIS and Track Controller. <5 Our worldwide service net guarantees optimal after sales support. Raytheon Expect Great Things Raytheon Marine Company High Seas Products 676 Island Pond Road Manchester, NH 03109-5420, USA Tel 603 647-7530/800 539-5539 Fax 603 634-4756 e-mail: Reception Raytheon Marine GmbH High Seas Products Postfach 1166 D-24100 Kiel, Germany Tel +49-431-3019-0 Fax+49-431-30 19-291 e-mail: Reception Raytheon 25 Circle 241 on Reader Service Card