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Don't risk detention #77 Ml - DNV class is your best bet if your aim is to keep your ship in continuous operation and your business running at optimum speed. The value of DNV class is demonstrated if a vessel is boarded for Port State Control. Currently available statistics from PSC detentions on a 3 year rolling period show that DNV classified ships have the lowest detention rate on a worldwide basis, helping shipowners all over the world to minimise their port state detention costs. Therefore, it is a sound business proposition to team up with a classification society renowned for the quality of its class. DNV is an autonomous independent foundation with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the environment, assisting clients all over the world managing the risks associated with business operations within maritime, offshore, process and other industries. .o -Cj c ,o
tsi CC KJ C£ DC o- u <-> VJ S1 -1 S « Z Q < IACS Classification Society Detention ratio in USA by class, rolling period 1996-98 Detention ratio = class filtered detention percentage of arrivals Source: USCG Internet Homepage € § s IACS Classification Society Detention ratio in Australia by class, rolling period 1996-98. Detention ratio = detention percentage of inspections. Source: AMSA Annual Reports 1996-98 Det Norske Veritas, 70 Grand Avenue, Suite 106, River Edge, New Jersey 07661, USA. Phone (201) 343 0800 Fax (201) 488 1778 Circle 223 on Reader Service Card -managing risk for industries world wide