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Kvaerner has the knack of making fantasy a reality. Here is the concept of an "ultra-sized" cruise ship for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. The first of three of the 136,000 grt, $500-mil- lion vessels is under construction at Kvaerner Masa-Yards now. Kvaerner Masa-Yards Inc. the experienced builder of successful ships Kvaerner Masa-Yards Inc. Marketing and sales, Helsinki, P.O.Box 132 FIN-00151 HELSINKI, Finland Tel. +358-9-1941, Fax. +358-9-650 051 Tlx 121246 masah fi Marketing and sales, Turku, P.O.Box 666 FIN-20101 TURKU, Finland Tel. +358-2-2666 111, Fax. +358-2-2667 488 Tlx 62356 masat fi Piikkio Works, FIN-21500 PIIKKIO, Finland Tel. +358-2-474 300, Fax. +358-2-472 6000 Technology, P.O.Box 666, FIN-20101 TURKU, Finland Tel. +358-2-2666 111, Fax. +358-2-2666 700 Tlx 62228 masat fi Kvaerner Masa Marine Inc., Suite 207-1525 West 8th Ave., VANCOUVER, B.C., V6J1T5, Canada Tel. +1-604-736 8711, Fax. +1-604-738 4410 Kvaerner Masa Marine Inc.. Power Technology Center 201 Defence Highway, Suite 202 Annapolis, MD 21401, USA Tel. +1-301-970 2226, Fax. +1-301-970 2230 Kvaerner Masa-Yards Circle 291 on Reader Service Card 97