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WORKBOAT ANNUAL VMS Takes Another Guide is the third of six 105-ft. (32 m) Harbor Class tractor tugs designed and constructed for Vessel Management Services, Inc. (VMS), a Crowley Maritime Corp. subsidiary. VMS has entered into a long-term bareboat charter of Guide to Crowley Marine Services. Each of the six ship assist and escort tugs will feature Voith Schneider twin cycloidal propul- sion and a hydrofoil-shaped skeg that provides greatly improved steering, control, and seakeeping ability when the vessel is running at high speeds in the skeg-first direction. In addition, the unique hydrodynamics of the hull result in increased tons of steering and braking force, which are available to assist or control a vessel at high- er speeds. The 4,800-hp Guide is powered by two Caterpillar 3516-B engines and has an indirect bol- lard pull in excess of 120 tons at 10 knots. Guide was built by Nichols Bros. Boat Builders in Freeland, Wash. Circle 69 on Reader Service Card Guide Main Particulars Shipbuilder .. .Nichols Bros. Boat Builders Vessel type Harbor Tractor Tug Owner/Operator. .Vessel Management Services Inc. / Crowley Marine Services Designer Flag Guido Perla & Associates, Inc. USA Number of sister ships 5 Contract date May 1997 Float out date September 1998 Delivery date September 1998 Length, o.a 105 ft. (32 m) Length, b.p 97 ft. (30 m) Breadth, molded 36 ft. (II m) Gross tonnage 366 ITC, 275 RGT Displacement 582 LT Engine controls Kobelt Steering controls Voith-Schneider Deck machinery Markey Equipment Co. Shafting Voith-Schneider Bearings Cooper Split-bearings Coatings International Paint VHF radio SEA Radar Furuno Compass Azimuth GPS Trimble Autopilot Robertson Pumps Pump Industries Heat Exchangers Fernstrum Air conditioning Novenco Liferafts Swillik Fendering Schuyler Mini-Slide System for Liferafts DBC Marine Safety Systems has introduced a new mini-slide system in conjunction with its con- ventional IBAs and liferafts. The mini-slide has been designed to meet USCG and international reg- ulations for evacuating passengers from low freeboard vessels in the safest and quickest method avail- able. The mini-slide is available in two different sizes to work on free- board heights of up to eight ft. and 13 ft. Packaged in a lightweight and compact valise, the mini-slide is portable and can be deployed from any evacuation station. Circle 150 on Reader Service Card VANCOUVER SHIPYARDS Pier 94 - 203 East Esplanade North Vancouver, B.C. Canada V7L 4J5 Telephone: (604) 988-7444 Fax: (604) 990-5099 Email: VICTORIA SHIPYARDS 825 Admirals Road Victoria, B.C. Canada V9A 2P1 Telephone: (250) 380-1602 Fax: (250) 995-6599 Email: A Washington Company Circle 356 on Reader Service Card 1 / Marine Deck Hardware |1 / and Equipment • ANCHORS: • 50 to 60.000 Lbs. - New and Used Stockless • Danforth - L.W.T. - Halls - Snug Slowing • CHAIN • •*/«" to 5'/a" - New and Used Stud Link • Cast Steel - Grades 2 and 3 • Oil Pig Quality for Moorings, Towing, Barge Handling, Ship's Replacement • WINCHES - WINDLASSES - CAPSTANS • Vertical or Horizontal Hand. Electric. Diesel. Hydraulic or Repowered to your specs • HATCHES - WATERTIGHT DOORS MANHOLE COVERS - SCUTLES - PORTHOLES • All Sizes - New or Reconditioned • PANAMA CHOCKS - DOUBLE BITTS SINGLE BITTS - CAST STEEL CLEATS AND KEVELS • All Sizes Available, New & Used • FENDERS PNEUMATIC • For Rent or Sale All Sizes. New & Used SERVING THE MARINE 6 OIL INDUSTRIES FOR OVER 35 YEARS WE ARE DIRECT FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS 6 IMPORTERS WATERMAN SUPPLY CO., IIMC. P O BOX 596 WILMINGTON. CA 90748 PH: (310) 522-9698 FAX: (310) 522-1043 Circle 364 on Reader Service Card What only fish can see ... Top quality steering • Maximum manoeuvrability A. van der VeUen bv/ A. van der Velden B.V., P.O. Box 2061 2930 AB Krimpen a/d Lek The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)180 511577 Fax: +31(0)180 511578 E-mail: Internet: Rotterdam Agent for the U.S.A. Ships Machinery International Inc. 8357 N.W. 56 Street Miami FL 33166 USA Tel.: (+1)305 592 7350 Fax: (+1)305 5918223 E-mail: Internet: Circle 205 on Reader Service Card Bilge Water Systems Coast Guard / IMO Approved Lightweight / Non-ferrous Fully Automatic Low Cost Oil/Water Separators Non-ferrous 10 to 50 gpm Fully Automatic Ozone Air & Water Systems Odor Control Water Purification Economical / Lightweight Call For Free Catalog MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. A Member of the RGF Environmental Group 3875 Fiscal Ct., West Palm Beach, Fl. 33404 In Fl 561 848-1826 Outside Fl 800 842-7771 fax 561 848-9454 Circle 322 on Reader Service Card