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Internationa ll Representat ive s > if EDITOR'S NOTE Strong Bloodlines W 'hile the trend in the business, home and abroad, is largely focused on the "corporatization" of the maritime market, it is interesting to note the con- tinued success of several large, family-built, owned and operated ventures. The Workboat Annual edition affords us the oppor- tunity to provide in-depth insights into two such operations, Crowley Maritime Corp. and McAllister Towing and Transportation. The two operations are decid- edly divergent, based on more than the 3,000 miles that separates them. As contributing writer J.L. Shaw's report (starting on page 49) tells, Crowley Maritime is highly regarded industry-wide for its efforts in advancing the design of ships, boats and machinery in a never ceasing effort to maximize efficiency and per- formance. While the company is still largely family-owned and operated, it is not the traditional "family" operation, boasting a 200 vessel fleet, more than 5,000 employees and annual revenues in excess of $ 1.1 billion. The company's influence extends well beyond its Oakland, Calif, headquarters, as, for example, Crowley Marine Transport is its east coast deep sea shipping arm. The Pacific region, however, is where the company has made its indelible mark, with the procurement and operation of a fleet of advanced propulsion tug boats operating under the Vessel Management Services banner. VMS has already taken five new Voith Schneider-propelled tugs, and five more are on the way Tom Crowley, Jr., who took the reigns of the company in 1994 upon his father's death, has set a course of expansion sans merger, and has his sites set simply on remain- ing a profitable, low cost operator. The "new" McAllister Towing is emerging from a five year legal battle in which the company was effectively split in two. The family, however, maintains control of the portion upon which the company began in 1864, tugboat operations and ferry services, and is embarking on extending its record of excellence with a fifth generation of McAllisters. The report, filed by Chris Palermo, managing editor of MR/EN sister publication MarineNews, starts on page 50. Coming Up In i MR/EN in 1999 January 1999 March 1999 1999 Propulsion Selection Guide World Ship Repair Technology Guide Electronics Update: Y2K Solutions Guide to Satellite Communications Country Focus: Turkey Country Focus: Spain February 1999 April 1999 Cruise Ship Yearbook International Offshore Annual Nav/Comm Electronics Selection Guide World Ship Repair Atlas & Directory Country Focus: Norway World Regional Report: Middle East INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS CHARLES E. KEIL, Vice President 4400 N. 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