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WORKBOAT ANNUAL resin. It can laminate several layers of fiberglass without abrading between layers; yet, when applied in the final layer, it cures for easy sand- ing. The resin does not require any additional dis- pensing equipment for its use. It works on fiberglass, wood, steel and aluminum, above and below the waterline, including hulls, decks, transoms, keels, cabin floors and rudders. Its high-perfor- mance, vinyl ester formula cures quickly. Quart and gallon sizes are available. Circle 79 on Reader Service Card American Marine's Aquadrive Systems The Aquadrive Anti-Vibration System, from American Marine, greatly reduces vibration and noise, while helping to eliminate engine to pro- peller shaft alignment problems. This inno- vative technology allows the engine to be super soft mounted. Instead of attaching the propeller shaft to a moving engine, it is aligned to the Aquadrive thrust bearing. This thrust bear- ing is attached to a rigid bulkhead so that the push of the propeller is against the Aquadrive bearing and the bulkhead. The engine transmits power to the thrust bearing through special Aquadrive constant velocity joint axles. Circle 80 on Reader Service Card New Screen Option for Drilling Systems Control Azonix Corporation announced a new ver- sion of its ProPanel industrial computer will be introduced with a 15 in. flat panel, active matrix screen and enhanced Hi-Brite. ProPanel is the world standard for certified operator workstations, according to the company. Circle 81 on Reader Service Card New Automatic Vest Light ACR Electronics offers the RapidFire, a small, waterproof automatic light designed to be packed into any style of life vest. Used in conjunction with an inflatable life vest, the RapidFire automatically lights when the vest inflates. During infla- tion, the light's pull-pin, which is secured to the bottom of the inflation chamber with a clip, is released. With standard, non-inflat- able life vests, the light is activated by manually pulling the unit's pull-pin lanyard. Circle 82 on Reader Service Card Propeller Repairs Black Dog Propellers is capable of handling propellers from two in. to five ft. in diame- ter, and from one to seven blades. The company works to ISO 484/2 Class Tolerances, which allows the customer to choose various degrees of accuracy to suit a particular application. The company mea- sures pitch to the .001 in. continuously over as many as 10 radii per blade. Utilizing the measured data combined with performance data, the company calculates pitch and design for individual vessels. Circle 83 on Reader Service Card EMC Sealing Plugs Beele Engineering has developed and launched a series of CSD sealing plus of the EMC type. The rubber of the new EMC sealing plugs incorporates a carbon black, which, by comparison with conventional carbon AVONDALE IN THE BEGINNING BOOMTOWN BELLE SUPPLY BOATS TUG BOATS LINE BOATS WE BUILD \/\/it:hi Sty/e . . . Avondale Started Out Building Boats Over 50 Years Ago ... And is Still Building Them. Work boats ... crewboats . .. ferry boats . . . fishing boats . . . supply boats ... tug boats ... minehunters ... All types of boats, we'll build them if you need them. In 1938 we started building boats on the Mississippi River across from New Orleans. Today, with boat-building know-how accumulated over those 56 years, we're still building boats . . . better boats ... faster boats ... lighter boats .. . grp boats .. . but, above all... . . Avondale - built boats. BELLE OF ORLEANS if you're only thinking about the need for a boat, contact us and let the Boat Division's team talk with you about design and engineering of a boat with Avondale reliability from keel to stack. Avondale Boat Division BARRY HEAPS, Vice President CHRIS KELLY, Sales and Marketing P. 0. Box 2309 Telephone: (601) 896-8114 Gulfport, MS 39505 Fax: (601) 896-8175 Even RIVER BARGES BELLE OF BATON ROUGE A Contact: 76 Circle 218 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News