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Hawser Winch/Anchor Windlass. Designed for ship-assist operations, the drum has a capacity for 400 ft. of 6 in. circumfer- ence line with a performance of 15,000 lbs. at approximately 165 ft. per minute. The drum is controlled from either a wheel- house or local control station. Braking capacity is 300,000 lbs. at the top layer for each drum, and operation is automatic. Circle 128 on Reader Service Card Mascoat Products Delta T Marine Insulating Coating is designed to replace or enhance thermal insulating materials found in shipboard con- struction. The coating contains no solvents or harmful VOCs. Delta T can be applied quickly with airless spray equipment reduc- ing total application time and significantly reducing installation costs. Overall, the coating is designed to be lightweight, cost effective, and carry the additional benefit of surface barrier protection. Circle 129 on Reader Service Card Nautical Outfitters Nautical Outfitters of Largo, Fla. offer high quality marine accessories including the new Monitor Marine Snap Shut. The piece is cast in 316 stainless steel and is machined to function as a snap shut device for doors and compartment closures. The device is designed to be as impervious as possible to the sun, salt and other marine environment factors, as well as matching the hatch handles, finger pulls, deck fills and padeye currently available on the mar- ket. Circle 130 on Reader Service Card Nautronix Nautronix is a specialized marine electron- ics company which designs, manufactures and distributes its products worldwide. Nautronix oper- ates in four mar- ket sectors: Offshore; Naval and Oceanography; Commercial Marine & Boating; and Mining. The com- pany has recently been awarded a contract to supply an ASK5002 Dual Redundant Dynamic Positioning System, TCS5001 Thruster Control System, TAC Three-Axis Control, Data Logging System, and Advanced Dual RS5D Short Baseline (SBL) Acoustic Positioning System for one of the world's deepest drilling vessels, Joides Resolution. Circle 131 on Reader Service Card Nishiyama Corp. Nishiyama Corporation produced FN Tape November, 1998 which is used to pre- vent fires caused by a splash of flamma- ble oil in a ship's engine room. The tape consists of alu- minum foil and non- combustible woven fabric which will not burn even if brought HilSkattintt/KM FN TAME /Wm-SPUWHINGTAHE u I, ft •»£ •j v- i r Ipr ft ji2*" into contact with fire. No special tools are needed to apply the tape. Circle 132 on Reader Service Card NTN Corporation NTN Corporation is involved in research and development, manufacture and sale of bearings, automotive constant-velocity joints, precision machines and equipment, as well as mechatronics-related products. The company is attuned to environmental con- cerns and incorporates strin- gent, self-imposed standards for the emission of exhaust gases and waste water. Circle 133 on Reader Service Card f-V j® TRIED & TRUE. Lang Convection Ovens are sure to fit all your baking needs to a "T". »Lifetime door mechanism guarantee. • Easy-to-use knob controls. • Even baking for perfect product every time. To learn more about Lang's line of heavy- duty marine galley equipment, call: lane 1-800-882-6368 6500 Merrill Creek Parkway Everett, WA 98203 Circle 293 on Reader Service Card > I o v i > CON MARINE INTERIOR SYSTEMS Quality On Time Quality In Budget ...and we will consider your other priorities. 1101 Edwards Avenue, Harahan, LA 70123 504/733-5033 Toll-Free 800/445-5033 Fax 504/733-3934 IN BIG BLUE m View Your Entire Loading Operation In One Glance! The on-deck cargo loading display is designed for use by shipboard personnel on board tank ships and barges to view the complete loading operation in one glance. It is built for the harshest environ- ments of temperature, water, salt, and vibration. It is approved by both ABS and USCG in full com- pliance for on-deck cargo loading operations. • Tank ullages in feet, inches or meters. • Individual tanks rate-of-fill or empty in BBLS/Tons/GAL or metric. • Individual tanks time-to-full or empty in HR/M mutes. • Individual tank temperatures. • Header pressure. • Individual pump status ON/OFF. • Two alarm set points for ullage, temperatures and pressures. Call today for more information! ELECTRONIC MARINE 732.382.4344 SYSTEMS, INC. 732.388.5111 fax 800 Femdale Place e-mail Rahway, NJ 07065 Sh utt^ftMs Workbtmt Stum-moih i^MmKBmSBBMk Circle 253 on Reader Service Card Circle 277 on Reader Service Card 73