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EXCLUSIVE AGENT MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS Pictured on this month's cover is Neuwerk, a multipurpose vessel delivered in 1997. The 25 ft. (78.4-m) vessel features a host of advanced technological equipment from STN Atlas Marine Electronics, including: diesel-electric propulsion system; electrical power generation/distribution; power management; alarm and monitoring system; navigation and communication equipment; and a safety and sonar system. 8 Simulated Voyage, Real Experience Star Cruises has procured its own vessel simula- tor, to ensure that its considerable investment in new tonnage is operated in the most efficient and safe manner. — by David Tinsley AND ENGINEERING NEWS ISSN-0025-3448 USPS-016- 750 No. 11 Vol. 60 118 East 25th Street New York, NY 10010 (212) 477-6700 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, photocopying, recording or oth- erwise without the prior written permission of the publishers. Founder: John J. O'Malley 1905 - 1980 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published monthly by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rates at Waterbury, CT 06701 and additional mailing offices. Postmaster send notification (Form 3579) regarding undeliverable magazines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. Canada Post International Publications Mail Product (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 0970700. Printed in U.S.A. Publishers are not responsible for the safekeeping or return of editorial material. © 1998 Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Member INTERNATIONAL® Business Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc. 49 All In The Family This year's workboat annual takes an indepth look at two of the industry's traditional power- houses, Crowley Maritime Corp. and McAllister Towing & Transportation. 96 Finnish Maritime Report Finland's contributions to the maritime market, particularly the high-value, high-technology niche, are stronger than ever. — by David Tinsley It Was Hopping In Hamburg The SMM Exhibition in Hamburg was once again the world's largest showcase for the latest marine equipment advances. AB STEPHAN R G ORN P.O. Box 184 S- 271 24 Ystad SWEDEN Telephone:+46 411 184 00 Fax:+46 411 105 31 13 Marine Finance 27 Software Solutions 37 Legal Report: Ocean Shipping Dregulation Passed 40 Ferry Boat Report: Victaulic Fittings aid in modu- lar construction; Blount delivers new fast craft design 64 Help Yourself: Non-metallic bearings aid self- unloading barges. 70 Workboat Products & Services Guide 104 Ship Repair & Conversion 108 People & Company News 125 Buyer's Guide 128 Advertisers Index 129 Classifieds Subscriptions: One full year (12 issues) $18.00 in U.S.; outside of U.S. $96.00 including postage and handling. For subscription information, contad: Dale Barnett, fax: (212) 254-6271. A Team Effort The merger which created Aker Yards — four shipbuilders comprising seven shipyards in three countries — is set to take the art of building unique ships to profitable new heights. 2 Maritime Reporter/Engineering Newc