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SERVING THE SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY FOR OVER 60 YEARS email: Mazatlan, Mexico ULF COAST REPORT :n made by deferring non-criti- projects," Chairman and CEO ter Bijur said in a statement. Analysts expect oil companies' stream spending, for explo- tion and production, to fall 10 to percent next year. They are also questioning some the more bullish statements on :onomic recovery coming out of oil >mpanies. Mobil Corp. said it is looking >rward to a recovery in Asian oil emand in 1999 or 2000 and sus- ained growth thereafter. Despite ts bullish outlook on the Asian narket, Mobil, too, will bear down m costs. Mobil said it expects to see $300 million in benefits from a down- stream venture with Shell in Australia. Mobil's European deal with BP is targeting $800 million in annual savings. Industrial Canal Lock Reopens The New Orleans District, USACE reopened the Industrial Canal lock in New Orleans after completing a major repair project. The $6 million, two-month project was completed two days ahead of schedule. "The job had to be done on time, Holler Delivers AHTS To Seocor Halter Marine Group Inc., Gulfport, Miss, delivered the Seacor Vanguard, a 255-ft., 14,000-hp anchor handling/tug supply boat (AHTS) to Seacor Marine of Houston. Based out of Port Fouchon, La, the vessel is working in the Gulf of Mexico under charter to an oil company in support of a deepwater drilling program. Built at Moss Point Marine, the vessel is the 25th Halter-built OSV to be operated by Seacor. The vessel measures 255 x 60 x 22 ft. (77.7 x 18.3 x 6.7 m), and is powered by four 16- 645 F7B diesel engines. The propulsion package generates 14,000 hp though Reintjes gears, driving Berg CP propellers in Kort nozzles. Maneuverability and station keeping are aided by two 800-hp SMI bowthrusters and an 800-hp SMI stern- thruster. To successfully complete the rigors of its job, the vessel is out- fitted with a Smatco electric dri- ven combination traction and drum winch. The traction unit has a continuous line pull of 750,000 pounds and holds 13,000 ft. of 3.5-in. wire. The drum unit has a line pull of one million pounds at bare drum, and 500,000 pounds at full drum. It can hold 8,200 ft. of 3.5-in. wire. Navigation systems aboard are state-of-the-art, and include: two Decca Racal radars; a Kongsberg-Simrad DP system; magnetic compass; gyro compass; autopilot; Sperry/Trimble GPS; Sperry doppler speed log and a complete GMDSS station. Circle 167 on Reader Service Card PROPELLERS • TOTALLY CNC MACHINED • ISO CLASS "S" UP TO 60" • ISO CLASS "I" UP TO 140" • CUSTOM MADE Phone: 011 (526) 983 6552 (526) 983 2966 Fax: (526) 984 2533 Circle 223 on Reader Service Card BECLAWAT Manufacturing Inc. 130 Adam Street, Belleville, Ontario Canada • K8N 2X9 See us at the Tel: (613) 966-5611 • Fax: (613) 966-0878 Int'l Workboat Show Website - http// Booth #1857 e-mail - CUSTOM WINDOWS & DOORS Vertical and Horizontal Sliding Watertight fixed, Hinged, or Vertical Sliding Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Brass and Steel Weld-In Windows Electrically Heated Glass SOLAS APPROVED A60 FIRE RATED WINDOWS AND DOORS Hydrocarbon Fire Doors Water and Weather Tight Doors Steel and Aluminum Hinged or Sliding Portlights November, 1998 Circle 323 on Reader Service Card