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a 1 and engineering support 3s including the design of two ilar bridge structures, retain- alls, roadway alignments, the lor water system and a natur- 3 supply line. icon Awarded Training iport Contract ogicon, Inc. a Northrop ;mman company, has been irded a five-year, indefinite ivery/indefinite quantity i/IQ) contract from the Naval rface Warfare Center to support 3 AEGIS Training and Readiness ;nter in Dahlgren, Va. Logicon ill provide overall technical and lgineering support, which con- sts of systems engineering, inte- ration, development, mainte- nance, documentation and opera- ion of training tools. Nautronix Delivers DP System To SEDCO Fleet Following on from the successful operations of Nautronix dynamic positioning and acoustic position- ing equipment on-board the Sedco 707 semi-submersible, Nautronix has been awarded another contract by Sedco Forex to supply dynamic and acoustic positioning equip- ment to the Sedco 709. The Sedco 709 semi-submersible will soon be upgraded for deepwa- ter drilling operations off the coast of West Africa. The existing DP system will be replaced with a Nautronix ASK4003 Triple Redundant Dynamic Positioning System and the RS915 ultrashort baseline/short baseline acoustic positioning system will be re-com- missioned for 2,000 m operating depth. Nautronix will also be equipping the Sedco 709 with a TCS4001 Thruster Control System and TAC Three-Axis Control. Circle 65 on Reader Service Card BIMCO To Offer Innovative ISM Course The ISM Experience: A BIMCO Workshop is the title of BIMCO's newest residential course, which will be held in Copenhagen from Nov. 16-18. The first of its kind, this BIMCO course will address issues of concern to those responsible for ISM compliance across the industry following the passing of the first International Safety Management (ISM) Code deadline in July. In particular, participants will share their compliance experiences with others while at the same time learning exactly which steps they need to take to ensure that their compliance status remains current. In addition, the ISM Code regulations to be met by 2002 will be discussed in detail, enabling attendees to approach the deadline with the knowledge necessary to help their company meet the requirements well in advance. An intensive workshop session is the centerpiece of the course, providing participants with the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with top industry experts to solve common prob- lems associated with the ISM Code, including continued com- pliance and the upcoming dead- line. They will also discuss prac- tical recommendations for mar- itime authorities and investigate methods of improving ISM-relat- ed procedures. Circle 66 on Reader Service Card ^Marine &^Commercial Frequencies FCC DUM TYPE ncctpm Part 90 (land Mobile) and Part 80 (Marine) 1 IC-F30LTM i POWERFUL HANDHELD VHF 1 ^ C-F102C IJUI : 1 LIMITED COAST BASE STATION VHF PC programming by channel and extra rug- ged construction highlight this proven reliable compact handheld. Only from ICOM! • 80 programmable channels - mix US and international frequencies • simple tag scan • 16 programmable memories for commercial frequencies • 1400 mAh battery • 5 watts output power • 8+ hours of opera- tion time • 8 character alphanumerics • die- cast aluminum frame and polycarbonate casing • 2 instant priority channel selects • time-out timer (TOT) UHF Versions Available for Shipboard Repeater Systems For a FREE brochure, Call 425-450-6088 The ideal radio for marine business and service organizations that must communicate with vessels underway. • computer programmable by channel for frequency and transmit power in both marine and commercial bands • die-cast aluminum chassis • 32 channels (expandable to 160) • 8 character alphanumeric display • built-in 120 V AC power supply • built-in speaker • microphone included • meets mil spec 810 c/d/e for shock and vibration MARINE ©1998 ICOM America, Int. 2380 116th he NE, Bellevue, WA 98004 • 425-454-8155. lhe ICOM logoisa registered Iroderark of ICOM, Int. All specifications ore subject to thonge without notice or obligation. F30UM/F1020MMR998V Your Gulf Coast Authorized ICOM America Niarlne Dealer: TEXAS Able Communication, Houston 281-485-8800 Coastal Marine Communications, Seobrook 281-332-2222 Drennan Boat Supply, Port Arthur 409-962-8747 Gulf Electronics, Brownsville 956-831-7300 GSI Marine, Posodena 281-487-780 Joe's Marine Electronics, Corpus Christe .... 512-882-3182 MacKay Communications, Houston 713-644-9246 Maritime Marine, iromsy\\\e 956-831-4249 Port Electronics, Aransas 512-758-3371 Radio Holland, Houston 713-943-3325 RGA Marine Electronics, Freeport 800-233-1910 Rice Electronics, Houston 713-991-0999 Sail Tech, Kemah 281-334-4690 Skipper Marine, Webster 281-338-6200 Trionics, Webster 281-338-2688 LOUISIANA Air Marine Radio, Horvey 504-362-1226 American Electronics, Morgan City 504-395-3000 Ardoins Electronic, lake Charles 318-474-4001 Bayou Marine, Chalmette 504-279-0967 Eagle Electronics, Baton Rouge 504-296-0990 Electronic Services, Wesfwego 504-436-2596 Electro-Tech, Inc., Metairie 504-833-9520 EMT Electronics, Houmo 504-879-2084 Frank L. Beier, Harvey 504-341-0123 GSI Marine, St. Rose 504-467-7600 MacKay Communications, Harahan 504-733-5824 Ml Electronics, Houma 504-868-3425 Morgan Communications, Harvey 504-362-4820 Radio Holland, Harahan 504-733-4024 Rice Electronics, Morgan City 800-899-5950 Seatrac Offshore, New Orleans 504-737-0591 Wheelhouse Electric, Parodis 504-758-1010 November, 1998