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EMPLOYMENT/RECRUITMENT BOAT JOB LISTINGS UPDATING DAILY CALL 24 HOUR MARINE JOB HOTLINE 5Q4-889-JOBS (5627) PROFESSIONAL SALES MANAGERS/SALES ENGINEERS FILTRATION - POLLUTION CONTROL Growing co. with extensive range filtration products, oily water separators, military/commercial. Must have demonstrated sales success in all aspects of marine industry or relevant industrial applications. Sound mechanical engineering ability, national & international experience appointing representatives. N.J. location. Resume in confidence to: P.O. Box 1101, Maritime Reporter, 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010. nrariTime aetrulTDrS Administration - Constri Crewing - Engineerin Finance - M & R Operations - Sales (Established 1969) P 0 Box 260 • Mercer Island, WA 98040 • 206-232- Sales Manager for US branch of Italian Maritime Engine Company. Will carry on commercial proposals and approve i nical modifications, negotiate prices and terms with vendors suppliers. Will be responsible for assistance and maintenanc the hydraulics and electronics systems already installed. Wri English and Italian required. Degree in Engineering. Si resume to: P.O. Box 460343, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33346-03 ANKER J2_ MARINEpAINTS 21 CHARLES STREET WESTPORT, CT. 06880 PHONE 203-226-5200 FAX 203-226-5246 ANKERPAINT@A0L.C0M CAPTAIN AST AD COMPANY INC. • SHIPBROKERS& MARINE CONSULTANTS • SALE &-PURCHASE - ANY TYPE VESSELS • NEW CONSTRUCTION - CONVERSIONS • OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE Office Private 2900 Energy Centre, 1100 Poydrn Street Phone: (504) 585-7317 • (504) S22-3007 New Orleans, LA 70163-2900 F«x: (504) 585-7301 • (504) 522-6008 g'y* I BAND, LA VIS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Naral Architects & Marine Engineers Maryland 2x146 )) S44-2800; Fax: (410) 647-3411; E-Mail: Web Site: BAY ENGINEERING, INC. • NAVAL ARCHITECTS • MARINE ENGINEERS • SHIP ANO BARGE DESIGN •SELF-UNLOADING TECHNOLOGY • CONCEPT ANO CONTRACT DESIGN • CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS 253 N. First Avenue Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsun 54235 Phone: (920) 743-8282 Fax:(920)743-9543 BAYFRONT MARINE, INC. EXPERT WORLDWIDE VESSEL DELIVERY SERVICE EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS Licensed Masters, Engineers and Crews Call Mel or Diane Longo (904) 824-8970 BISSO MARINE ® • HEAVY LIFT SPECIALIST • MARINE SALVAGE • WRECK REMOVAL • SONAR SURVEY - DIVING P.O. BOX 4113 NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 70178 Phone: (504) 866-6341 Fax: (504) 865-8132 C. BAXTER, JR. A ASSOCIATES NA VAL ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS A SURVEYORS 3113 Cottage Hill Road Tel (334) 476-1998 Mobile, AL 36606 (800) 398-6691 DONALD L. BLOUNT AND ASSOCIATES, INC. NAVAL ARCHITECTS/MARINE ENGINEERS 2550 Ellsmere Avenue •Suite K Norfolk, VA 23513 USA 757-857-1943 • FAX 757-857-4160 Office (334)666-7121 Fax (334)666-7126 Home (334) 660-7577 Beeper (334)316-1750 Boland Industrial Consulting Services, Inc. Equipment Reliability • Vibration Analysis • Laser Alignment • Lubrication JohnS Boland President P.O. Box 91360 Mobile, AL 36691 CADSERV Marine Drawing Digitizing Specialist Blueprints CAD Files • AutoCad or Microstation output «Ship Design Experienced Supervisors 3107 West Commodore Way Phone: (206) 286-2443 Suite 204 Seattle. Washington 98199 Fax: (206) 286-0346 E-mail: CDI marline companu Supporting The Marine Engineering Industry jACXSOWBiE (904|68M7» PORTSMOUTH (757)387-8086 Nttouni NEWS (75?)J4W1« (J6BI47WK8 CHILDS ENGINEERING CORPORATION WATERFRONT ENGINEERING-DIVING INSPECTION •OX 333 MCOFIBLO, MA OSOS2 (SOSJ3BB -BS4S COMREP M/c/iae/ M. Ma//'nowski Construct/on Representative Associates 30 Turt/eftack Road, Ca/ifon, New Jersey 07830-3508 Ship Owner Representatives TEL: (908) 832-7688 Shipyard Representatives FAX: (908) 832-7825 Marine Engineers E-Ma/f: Naval Architects Serving the murine industry for over 14!) years CRANDALL DRY DOCK ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting • Design • Inspection Railway and Floating Dry Docks Dry Dock Hardware and Equipment Box 505804 Chelsea, MA 02150 (617) 329-3240 Fax (617) 884-8466 C.R. CUSHING & CO., INC. NAVAL ARCHITECTS, MARINE ENGINEERS & TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS 18 Vesey Street NEW YORK, NY 10007 TEL. (212) 964-1180 CCUSHING@INTERSERV.COM FAX: (212)285-1334 CRCUSHING@AOL.COM GHS port Reference Center on the Worldwide Web ([ Information for: Maritime designers, Engineers and Builders categorized and annotated links to: Equipment specifications • Shipyards and builders Design software • Standards and regulations Naval architects, engineers and other consultants Sponsored by (360) 385-621 2 CTBIWIffi SYSTEMS CREATORS OF QMS General Hydrostatics software CT MARINE NAVAL ARCHITECTS • MARINE ENGINEERS ' • VAPOR RECOVERY » TUGS ' TOWBOATS • BARGES Tel. 203-831 -0405 Fax. Z03-831 -0407 56 CROOKED TRAIL, ROWAYTON CT. 06853 CUNNINGHAM & WALK • 3> MARINE CONSULTANTS. INC ® ® NAVAL ARCHITECTURE & MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HVAC ENGINEERING MARINE ELECTRICAL ENG/NEER/NG 134 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News