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TUFFLEX* Distributor • FAX (561) 833-3573 • e-mail: Circle 258 on Reader Service Card TRACTOR PINS FOR TODAY'S TUGS HYDRAULIC TOW PIN UNITS with HOLD-DOWN HOOK WESTERN MACHINE WORKS 1870 Harbour Road - North Vancouver, B. C. - Canada - V7H 1A1 Phone: (604) 929 -7901 Fax: (604) 929-7951 or (604) 929-5329 Circle 365 on Reader Service Card There's Only One Choice in the Northeast AMERICAN SHIPYARD Corp. J. For Ship Design, Construction, Conversion & Repairs The Equipment & Expertise You Need: • 2200 Ton Marine Railway • 2500 Ton Floating Drydock • 2000 Feet Deepwater Berthing • On-Site Welding, Carpentry, Electrical, Pipe Fitting & HVAC Shops • Certified for U.S. Government Contracts Let Us Bid On Your Next Project 1 Washington Street • Newport, Rhode Island 02840-0943 Tel (401) 846-6000 • Fax (401) 849-7964 Visit Our Web Site: Circle 209 on Reader Service Card Need Thermal Insulation? Insulate the easy way with Delta T Marine Insulated Coating™ Applies like a paint! For use in virtually all marine applications! Nontoxic and contains no harmful VOC'sl Nonflammable or Noncombustible! Mascoat Products Houston, Tx Phone (713) 688-9099 Fax (713) 688-9169 Email: U.S. Coast Guard Approved/ UL Approved BAIER MARINE HATCHES... THE STRONGEST HATCH TO EVER HIT THE DECK. Cast Galvanized Steel • Aluminum • Stainless Steel • Bronze Coaming Hatch (2" to 36" Heights) Built-in T-handle Hatch • We stock a huge inventory with same day shipping. • Trusted in the Marine Industry for 51 years. FOR A FREE CATALOG CALL 1 -800-455-3917 of visit our website at 16901 WOOD-RED ROAD, WOODINVILLE. WA 98072 Phone: (425) 481-5019 • Fax: (425) 488-2424 • email: Circle 220 on Reader Service Card Houma Fabricators Shipbuilding - Design - Repair 1100 Oak Street Houma, LA 70363 (504) 879-3346 Fax (504) 876-6343 A Division of LOR, Inc. Circle 273 on Reader Service Card Tug & Barge Specialists Service Anywhere In The Port —^ ^^^—S Dry Dock and Wet Berth Services At Our Key Highwa; Location Around The Clock Service Floating Equipment To Service Vessels At Cargo Piers "A Baltimore Tradition With Over Seventy Years In The Same Location " The General Ship Repair Corp. 1449 Key Highway Baltimore, Maryland 21230 Phone: 410/752-7620 Fax: 410/752-4650 Circle 263 on Reader Service Card LEEVAC SHIPYARDS, INC. We Make It Happen! 1 NEW CONSTRUCTION CONVERSIONS REPAIRS DRYDOCKING GAMBLING VESSELS INLAND PUSHBOATS SUPPLY BOATS SEISMIC VESSELS BARGES SPECIALTY VESSELS ] L Hwy. 90 East P.O. Box 1190 Jennings, LA 70546 PH. 318/824-2210 FAX 318/824-2970 Circle 369 on Reader Service Card Circle 294 on Reader Service Card J SMM '98: Post Show Report (Continued from page 24) The Sulzer RT-flex Concept. crank- shaft. In the usual fuel injection system of a Sulzer RTA two-stroke diesel engine, the valve-con- trolled injection pump generates the pressure, times the injection and meters the quantity of fuel injected with only limited flexibility to influ- ence the variables. The Sulzer Common Rail sys- tem allows the function to be separated and sub- sequently, allows for more flexibility. With the Common Rail system, the user gets: precise vol- umetric fuel injection control; variable injection rate shaping; well-proven high-efficiency fuel pumps; and free selection of injection pressure. Also, the manufacturer reports that it is ideally suited for heavy fuel oil. High-efficiency fuel pumps feed a high-pressure fuel manifold, the Common Rail, arranged at the level of the cylinder covers. The fuel pumps are based on the proven design of the jerk-type injection pumps used in the Sulzer ZA40S four-stroke engines, and run on a multi-lobe cam to deliver adequate quantities of fuel to the Common Rail at the usual high pres- sure ready for injection. Fuel is delivered from the Common Rail through the injection control unit to the fuel injection valves. There is a control unit for each engine cylinder. It regulates the timing of fuel injection, provides control of the volume of fuel injected, and sets the shape of the injection pattern. The three fuel injection valves in the respective cylinder cover are independently controlled so that they may be programmed to operate sepa- rately or in unison as necessary. The company said that during testbed trials, the Sulzer Common Rail system is able to oper- ate on the same grades of heavy fuel oil, namely up to 700 cSt viscosity. Also, it is designed for high fuel injection pressures. Circle 46 on Reader Service Card Cylinder 4 1 1 I 1 I Common rail Fuel High efficiency fuel pump The Sulzer Common Rail System. Maritime Reporter/Engineering News RTA engine Supply Pumps RT-tlex engine | Common Rail