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become a principal of the new com- pany. Circle 34 on Reader Service Card Alfa Laval Introduces Alcare The Alcare concept from Alfa Laval Marine & Power offers cus- tomers continuous support for their operations on a global basis in the form of customized care packages. Key features of Alcare are: a global spare parts distribution net- work, guaranteeing delivery with- in 24-48 hours; continuous opera- tions support in the form of service and repairs; preventive mainte- nance programs tailored to cus- tomers' specific needs; personnel training to increase the skills of engine room crews and thus the efficiency of the equipment; and a consultancy service to raise operat- ing efficiency, improve mainte- nance standards, and reduce main- tenance costs. Circle 35 on Reader Service Card Eco Seal Tech Opens Houston Office Eco Seal Tech, Inc., a manufac- turer of machined rubber and plas- tic parts, has opened a manufac- turing facility in Houston, Tex. Circle 7 on Reader Service Card More Cooling/Less Space From ITT Standard ITT1 Standard offers PlateFlow plate-and-frame heat exchangers which are designed to provide close temperature control of fluids for heat recovery applications where space is a prime considera- tion. Countercurrent flow yields heat transfer coefficients that are three to five times greater than other types of exchangers. The units can be specified in 20 different models. Circle 6 on Reader Service Card Clean Seas Converts Oil Spill Response Vessel Clean Seas, LLC recently con- verted its 181 ft. (55 m) oil spill response vessel, the Mr Clean III, with two Lori Five brush skim- ming systems furnished by Hyde Products. The conversion included a new design concept developed by Clean Seas which places the oleophilic brushes perpendicular to the hull, the oil being directed by a sweep arm and boom into one door for contact with the rotating brushes. TMA Expands Norfolk Office Technology, Management and Analysis Corporation (TMA) has announced the expansion of its office in Norfolk, Va. to support contracts with the Naval Sea Systems Command Strategic Sealift Program Office and the Fleet Technical Support Center, Atlantic (FTSCLANT). TMA engi- neers and analysts will perform technical software documentation reviews and digitization, as well as engineering management services for Strategic Sealift Program ship requirements. MOTOR-SERVICES HUGO STAMP, INC. AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS & SERVICE CENTER Authorized Dealer TURBOCHARGER SERVICES • MAN B&W • EGT - NAPIER • HOLSET - BANNEWITZ • STATE-OF-THE-ART COMPUTERIZED BALANCING • FIELD SERVICE WITH FACTORY TRAINED ENGINEERS • REBLADING WITH NEW OR RECONDITIONED COMPONENTS • ABB TURBOCHARGER REPAIRS, 'OEM' SPARE PARTS & EXCHANGES 24 HOUR SERVICE HOT-LINE 1-800-622-6747 (MSHS) Please visit our Web page at 3190 SW4TH AVENUE - FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33315 - PH: (954) 763-3660 FAX: (954) 763-2872 Circle 306 on Reader Service Card TIIE DEVIL'S CLAW One of three dependable chain stop- per styles from one of the largest inventories of marine equipment in the USA. We also have connecting links, carpenter stoppers, and much more. Call us today for details. ( CUSTOMER SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK ) 1-800-851-3429 WASHINGTON CHAIN AND SUPPLY, INC. P.O. Box 3645 • 2901 Utah Avenue South • Seattle, Washington 98124 FAX (206) 621-9834 • E-mail: VISIT OUR WEB SITE FOR MORE INFORMATION: wm^Mmmmm^mmmmmmm* Stainless Steel Acid Proof Centrifugal Pumps Electric or Hydraulic Driven HIGH PRESSURE PUMPS • Fire • Deck Wash • Circulation • Thawing LOW PRESSURE PUMPS • Cooling Water • Ballast • Bilge • Circulation DIESEL DRIVEN EMERGENCY PUMPS •E.P.C. MARINE ELECTRICAL I PROCESS CONTROL PO Box 70648, 3931 Leary Way N.W. Seattle, WA 98107 Tel: 206-545-2209 • Fax: 206-545-2819 Email: Service and Build Electrical Starters and Control Systems Construct Electrical Panels Distributor of Electrical Metric Frame Motors Distributor of Stainless Steel Centrifugal Pumps Circle 362 on Reader Service Card Circle 303 on Reader Service Card