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PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS AAPA And MarAd Update Port Risk Guide The Port Risk Management and Insurance Guidebook is a resource for risk management professionals at public ports authored original- ly in 1985 and updated in 1998 by the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) and the Maritime Administration (MarAd). The guidebook, written from the port's per- spective and geared toward the basics of insur- ance and risk management, is designed to serve as a practical "how-to" manual and educational reference text for experienced port risk man- agers and other industry representatives. VDMA Marine Directory Now On CD-ROM The 1998/99 version of the German Marine Equipment Directory is now available on CD-ROM. The directo- ry includes the top German marine and offshore equipment manufacturers with their complete addresses, contacts, foreign representations as well as production DEUTSCHE SCHIFFBAU- UND OFFSHORE-ZULIEFERINOUSTRIE KATALOG 98/99 E* program and web link. Supplier information such as product description and pictures is also included. Circle 32 on Reader Service Card GLM Software Addresses HBL Hydrostatic balance loading (HBL), the load- ing of petroleum cargo at reduced levels to min- imize outflow in case of grounding, requires cal- culations to determine not only the required levels of loading but also how the ship's stabili- ty is affected. Creative Systems, Inc. has added the ability to plan, simulate and calculate hydrostatic bal- ance loading (HBL) to its software General Load Monitor (GLM). GLM is an on-board ver- sion of the General Hydrostatics software used by naval architects. Circle 29 on Reader Service Card Southwest Marine Acquires NORSHIPCO Southwest Marine has officially acquired Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock Corp. (NOR- SHIPCO). The Norfolk Va. shipyard joins Southwest Marine's existing facilities in San Diego, San Pedro and San Francisco, Calif., and Ingleside, Tex. It is reported that the transac- tion will raise Southwest Marine's annual rev- enues to approximately $400 million. Kort Nozzles All Sizes We Build To Customer Drawing And Specifications Certification Upon Request "Made In The USA" For A Brochure Write Or Call: Custom Nozzle Fabrication/CNF P.O. Box 547 Pascagoula, MS 39568 (601) 762-4612 Fax: (601) 769-0558 Stolt Parcel Tankers Wins Safely Award Circle 241 on Reader Service Card From left to right: Gerhard E. Kurz, president of Mobil Shipping and Transportation Co.; Archibald N. Stewart, chairman of International Registries, Inc.; and Samuel A. Cooperman, presi- dent and CEO of Stolt Parcel Tankers, Inc. Stolt Parcel Tankers, Inc. a subsidiary of Stolt-Nielsen S.A. has been awarded the 1998 McGuire Safety Award for its high standards of seamanship, vessel maintenance, crew training and safe operation. The award was presented to Samuel A. Cooperman, president and CEO of Stolt Parcel Tankers, by Gerhard E. Kurz, presi- dent of Mobil Shipping and Transportation Company, who was last year's winner. Candidates for the award are nominated each year by representatives of the International Association of Classification Societies (LACS). Stolt-Nielsen Hit Hard in 3Q Stolt-Nielsen S.A. reported a net income for the latest quarter of $24.1 mil- lion, on net operating revenue of $478.4 million, compared with net income of $40.1 million on net operating revenue of $415.6 million for the third quarter of 1997. Net income for the nine-month period ended August 31, 1998 was $82.2 million on net operating revenue of $1,294.4 mil- lion. This compares with net income of $93.9 million on net operating revenue of $1,121.1 million for the same period in 1997. Commenting on the results, Christopher J. Wright, president of Stolt-Nielsen S.A., said, "During the third quarter the results of Stolt-Nielsen Transportation Group deteriorated but Stolt Comex Seaway had a record quarter- ly profit and Stolt Sea Farm continued its improvement." YG Earns Short Course Approval YG Consultants have been approved by the Bahamas Maritime Authority for the following STCW95 training courses: crowd management; safety training for person- nel providing direct service to passengers; passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training; and crisis management and human behavior training. YG Consultants is now seeking U.K. Maritime and Coast Guard Agency approval. Circle 33 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Boat Storage • Repair Shops , „„ Circle 304 on Reader Service Card 108 Manufacturer Direct - Limited Offer Save Up To 45% Int'l- Call Collect 1-612-593-1000 FAX 1-612-544-1835 MR 60'x72' $41,225Value mr^ir/ 471 S49 Pckgs. include steel frames, endwalls, galv. sheeting, hardware, trim & all assembly instructions. Some other sizes available. • 16 Colors Available Immediate Delivery Or Free Storage • Worldwide Distribution IfOHDSS1 1-888-436-3088