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Dhina, India and ASEAN coun- tries. Under the agreement, Keppel will sell all the shares of the whol- ly-owned subsidiary Keppel Shipyard in Tuas to HZSL at $158 million, to be raised by HZSL issu- ing new ordinary shares of $0.20 each at a revised price of $0.52 per HZSL share to Keppel. In the ear- lier proposal, the price per HZSL share to be issued to Keppel was $0.59. Following the merger, principal shareholders Keppel and Hitachi Zosen through their wholly owned subsidiary, Hitachi Zosen (Asia) Holdings Pte Ltd (HZAH), will have interests of about 59 percent and 29 percent respectively in the enlarged share capital of HZSL, which will be renamed Keppel Hitachi Zosen Limited. Approvals for the proposed merg- er by shareholders of HZSL and relevant authorities are expected to be obtained by November this year. Upon completion of the pro- posed merger, expected to take place by the end of the year, Keppel will make an unconditional take-over offer for all HZSL shares not already owned by Keppel and parties acting in concert with it at a price of not lower than $0.52 per HZSL share. HZAH has undertak- en to maintain its 29 percent stake in Keppel Hitachi Zosen. Watorjettisg Solution Adopted By Vktor Lenac Waterjetting continues to grow in popularity among shipyards seeking an efficient and environmentally acceptable solution to con- duct surface preparation. Croatian shipyard Victor Lenac is the lat- est in a long line to order waterjetting equipment, as it has added WOMA waterjetting equipment which includes four containerized ultra-high pressure water jet units "Ecomaster Twin Jet" and three containerized ultra-high pressure waterjetting units "325 Z-2000." The Twin Jet units generate an operating pressure of 2,000 bar and a water flow rate of 2x20 1/min., and comprise two in-line high-pres- sure plunger pumps. The power rating of the electrically driven sys- tems is 144 kW. With the Twin Jet, two water tools can be run inde- pendently and simultaneously, each with a water flow rate of 20 1/min. The Twin Jet accessories contain four emission-free working cleaning tools dubbed ERC — including a 30-m high working plat- form, and eight surface preparation tools, dubbed Speedy 2000/E24 — for high performance. Also, part of the system is a suction line for the jetting water and the removed paint that is driven by an electric booster pump. The 325-Z units are capable of generating an operation pressure of 2,000 bar and a water flow rate of 56 1/min. Also driven by electric motors, the power rating is 202 kW. The corresponding water jet cleaning tools are nine electrically driven ultra-high pressure guns and nine surface preparation tools. In order to perform emission-free ship wall paint removal, two systems are ordered that work at an operation pres- sure of 2,000 bar and a water flow rate of 56 1/min. Also, the delivery includes a plunger conver- sion set for the 325 Z units to run the pumps at an oper- ating pressure of 1,000 bar and a water flow rate of 132 1/min. This package con- tains WOMAs Double RRC 1000 for mechanized wall cleaning, and a WOMA tank cleaning head for cleaning ballast tanks and contain- ers. Circle 31 on Reader Service Card Water jet tool, exclusively designed for emission-free ship hull surface preparation. If you are concerned about your bottom line I then check out ours. Check off the services you neea: • DRY DOCKS, up to 12,000 Ton Lift Capacity • Full-Service Wet Berth (water, electrip, 31 foot depth) • Complete Topside Repair • 24-Hour Service, 7 Days a Week • 16,000 Sq. Ft. Machine Shop 3 Ship Riding Service from Any Port \ CI Electrical Service • Pump & Valve Repair • Piping & Steel Fabrication or Renewal • Audio Gauging • Complete Boiler Repair with In-Stock Materials • Barge Crane Service • Tugs and Barges Available • Full Turbine Service & Repair 0 Lower Cost for the Entire Job INTERNATIONAL SHIP REPAIR & MARINE SERVICES, INC. 1616 Penny Street Tampa, Florida 33605 Telephone (813) 247-1118 Fax 1 (813) 247-6553 Website: Circle 280 on Reader Service Card Complete Marine Refrigeration Systems Air Conditioning Compressor and Chiller Units Reefer Cargo Box Installation/Repair 3: I II I Whatever Your Application It Pays To Contact ADRICK MARINE CORPORATION CALL US To Put ADRICK'S INNOVATION To Work For You Ships Air Conditioning Units Walk-in coolers and freezers Portable reefer storage units Portable A/C dockside systems Control room dehumidification systems Self contained A/C uprights and compacts Fan coil units Fiber glass panels with wire mesh Ship stores refrigeration unit Reefer cargo box doors Door gaskets ADRICK MARINE CORPORATION 81 Mahan Street West Babylon, NY 11704 Call (800) 326-ADRICK (516) 491-9475 FAX: (516) 4^-9478 AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION ADRICK COOLING CORPORATION November, 1998 Circle 201 on Reader Service Card 10