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Ith Singapore's Tanker Pacific at then assigned to Kvaerner Oil ' Gas Ltd (KOGL), Croydon fol- ding a contract for the design, instruction, in-installation and lommissioning of the Triton FPSO aeing awarded to KOGL by Amerada Hess during August H997. The original design was upgrad- 1 ed following KOGL's take-over of the construction program to give the hull added strength and ser- vice life by enhanced steel grades and thicknesses. The hull, which currently has its own propulsion unit, has now arrived at Singapore's Sembawang Shipyard for execution of the modification workscope, including the installa- tion of a Bluewater designed moor- ing turrets casing. This turret casing is constructed with top and bottom bearing hous- ings, approximately 20 ft. (6 m) in diameter and 82 ft. (25 m) apart, and is to be integrated to the dou- ble bottom structure that was pre- fabricated by the yard. These bear- ing housings were checked for pre- cise alignment, marked and machined to very fine tolerances. The entire structure, weighing some 250 tons, is to be integrated into the No. 1 cargo tank when the vessel is in drydock using a sheer- leg floating crane. Other works by Sembawang Shipyard include installation of the topsides support stools, stern discharge grillage, cooling water caissons, fire pumps, HVAC system and major deck cable trays and cabling work conforming to strin- gent North Sea offshore standards. When completed Triton 1 will sail from Singapore to Teesside during late October for topsides installa- tion including two production and two utility 'pallets' and a Bluewater designed turret moor- ing system. The fabrication work will be carried out at KOGL's facil- ity at Port Clarence, a former Trafalgar House site, on the north side of the Tees and the integration at Cargo-fleet Wharf, on the south side of the river. During this process the main propulsion unit will be decommissioned and the rudder and propeller removed. Triton 1 is then expected, during the third quarter of 1999, to be towed out to the North Sea where she will go on station to serve the Bittern Field, formerly known as Abbot (Amerada Hess) and Razorbill (Shell), and Texaco's Guillemot West Field. The individ- ual fields will be developed using subsea trees, control systems, manifolds, and flowlines provided by Amerada Hess and partners. When the vessel takes her first cargoes of oil and gas, the owner- ship will be transferred from KOGL to Amerada Hess. It is expected that the unit will stay on station for at least 15 years. OSV In Sea Trials The 3,548 dwt Bahamas offshore supply vessel Kommandor 3,000, which is currently chartered with Oslo-based DSND, is to undergo further conversion work to enable her to undertake pipelaying work off the Brazilian coast. The vessel is currently undergoing sea trials, following a 10-month conversion project - converted from a RoRo vessel to an OSV at Fredrikshavn's Orskov Staal-skibsvaerft. DSND has recently concluded a provision- al agreement with Brazilian state- owned oil group, Petrobras, to enter into a supply contract, worth $77 million, to supply a further vessel for laying flexible pipelines in Brazilian waters. The agree- ment has a term of two years plus a one- year option, with delivery during the second quarter of 1999. The latest conversion project will commence at the beginning of next year at a yet unnamed shipyard in Europe. Keppel And Hitachi Zosen Set To Merge More details have now been released regarding the proposed Keppel/Hitachi Zosen (Singapore) merger, which is now expected to take place by the end of this year. Singapore's Keppel Corp. and Japan's Hitachi Zosen Corp. have agreed to collaborate on projects in the region and to merge their ship- yards in Singapore on revised terms. The two companies have signed an understanding to jointly pursue and work on investment projects in mainland China, Indo- Important choices for your next repair Three specialist repair yards, offering a very high degree of experience, safety consciousness and fiercely competitive pricing. And last, but not least, a first class client portfolio. Why not call on one of the Astilleros Espanoles Group's three repair yards, now? •• < AstMero " ASTANDER Santander SPAIN Tel +34 942 20 91 00 Fax +34 942 20 91 01 Astano Ferrol SPAIN Tel +34 98134 07 00 Fax +34 981 34 09 54 Astilleros de CADIZ Cadiz SPAIN Tel +34 956 29 92 16 +34 956 29 93 30 Fax +34 956 29 92 44 +34 956 29 93 65 ASTILLEROS ESPANOLES rnber, 1998 Circle 214 on Reader Service Card