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EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS IN THE COUNTRY OF JAPAN Ace Media Service, Inc. 12-6, 4-chome, Nichiike Adochi-ku, Tokyo 121 Japan TEL: +81-3-5691-3335 FAX: +81-3-5691-3336 For information about advertising from Japan contact Mr. Akio Ishii m ffllft* r jjju Pictured on the COVer: Crystal Harmony.was built by Finland's Kvaerner Masa-Yards' Turku New Shipyard for Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line), and is operated by Crystal Cruises. The 50,200-gt vessel is propelled by a diesel electric package which includes Wartsila Diesel engines and ABB motors. •••Where no one has gone before The cruise industry continues its era of unbridled expansion, with regular news of new half-billion dollar ships becoming the norm. Contributing writer Bridget Murphy speaks to executives at the leading cruise ship companies to determine if the best is yet to come. The section begins on page 37. PLUS: Disney Magic is set to hit the high seas (page 56). JjV . W r~T—pfj; »J Cl M -T.. l -.4 1p - -rfl rj:;t t • T • • ! 8 Engine Rooms, Where It's Make Or Break Engine rooms constitute a ISrge percentage of a ship's initial and lifecycle costs. David Tinsley explores developments to get the mos for the money. \ \ t ) I '*"- "" ' "Zt > 55jX£ S3 32 Maritime Asia i v Jgs .. -.- \ -••'—" . .jk -t > V . Japanese shipyards are exhibiting trademark resiliency in the face of the unbelievable Asian financial fallout. — by David Tinsley 65 Navy: The Next Generation Is Now Sneak a peak at the next-generation aircraft carrier — CVN 777 — which is under development now. Marine Finance Safety At Sea Gulf Coast Column People & Company News Company Profile: Rolla advances propeller design. Vessel Focus: Bulk Carriers Legal Update Bunker Fuel Monitor; Recent Ship Sales; Index Fleet Valuation The Automated Bridge Subscriptions: One full year (12 issues) SI 8.00 in U.S.; outside of U.S. S96.00 including postage and handling. For subscription information, contact: Dale Barnett, fax: (212) 254-6271. 118 East 25th Street New York, NY 10010 (212) 477-6700 AND ENGINEERING NEWS ISSN-0025-3448 USPS-016-750 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, photocopying, recording or oth- erwise without the prior written permission of the publishers. No. 2 Vol. 60 Founder: John J. O'Malley 1905 - 1980 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published monthly by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rates at Waterbury, CT 06701 and additional mailing offices. Postmaster send notification (Form 3579) regarding undeliverable magazines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. Canada Post International Publications Mail Product (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 0970700. Printed in U.S.A. Publishers are not responsible for the safekeeping or return of editorial material. © 1998 Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Member INTERNATIONAL® Business Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc. 2 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News