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PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS Mathers Controls Names Tilschner Head of European Sales Mark Tilschner will be responsible for developing new customers in the European market- place. Mr. Tilschner Mark Tilschner will also maintain Mathers' customer database and head the training and service departments. Mathers produces single-lever electronic control systems for boat engines. Oceaneering Buys San Jacinto Oceaneering International Inc. (Oil) has purchased production barge San Jacinto for $7 million from Conoco Indonesia Inc. The purchase was designed to give Oil its first production presence in Southeast Asia. DNV Earns USCG Authorizations Det Norske Veritas (DNV) received permission from the U.S. Coast Guard to conduct plan approvals, surveys, and issue load- line and international oil pollution prevention statutory certificates for both new and existing U.S. flag ships. These authorizations were implemented in order to improve safety at sea and also to recipro- cate Norway's willingness to let USCG ships survey and approve its ships. ASTM Committee Elects New Slate Of Officers The American Society of Tests and Measurements (ASTM) Committee F-25 on Ships and Marine Technology has announced the following new officers to serve through December 31, 1999: Harold H. Greiner, chairman; Charles H. Persall, administra- tive vice-chairman; A. Eugene Henn, technical vice-chairman; Thomas F. Conroy, Jr., promo- tional vice chairman; Glenn M. Ashe, secretary; Edward C. Barrett, membership secretary; and Robert P. Draim, Robert R. Hardison, George Ponton and Philip R.J. Lloyd, members-at- large. February, 1998 DNV Gives Drewgard 'OK' Ashland Chemical Company's (ACC) Drew Marine Division has received a Type Approval Certificate from DNV for use of 'Drewgard WB' corrosion preventa- tive as a semi-hard ballast coating. This designation means that annu- al ballast surveys may possibly be avoided. This new coating and process reportedly lowers the total costs of application, and eliminates dry- docking, while giving hard-coating performance with a normal service life of five years. It is a wax and synthetic polymer formulated with water as its carrier. The resulting film reportedly will not crack or peel, and is thin- ner, brighter in color for easier inspection, and has a shelf life of approximately two years. It reportedly dries in 45 minutes while needing only one thin 4-5 mils thick coat. The sea respects no one - least of all the weak. She demands respect and receives it from those who live on her. We at Leslie Controls understand this and have made our products with the quality and reliability necessary for marine service. Quality and reliability are designed into each product. Leslie Controls produces the most complete line of ship- board fluid control products in the industry. These include Control Valves, Temperature Regulators, Pressure Reducing Valves, Butterfly Valves, Ball Valves, Pump Pressure Regulators, Steam Water Heaters, Duplex Strainers, "Y" Strainers, Relief Valves, Magazine Sprinkler Valves, Air & Electric Whistles, and Electric and Pneumatic Instruments. Leslie Controls.. .A tradition at sea. LESLIE CONTROLS, INC. 12501 Telecom Drive, Tampa FL 33637-0903 (813) 978-1000 • Telex: 136445 • Fax: 813-978-0984 Circle 247 on Reader Service Card 27 If something goes wrong out here... YOU CAN'T fALK HOME Quality Products for the Marine Industry. . . Control Valves Steam-Water Heaters Temperature Regulators Pressure Reducing Valves 3-Way Rotary Valves Whistles: Automatic Whistle Controls Duplex Strainer