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The deal is understood to be one of the single largest transactions ever between the two countries. It reflects growing interest by Japanese industry in the eastern European market, and also demon- strates the broad sourcing policy pursued by PZM, the largest oper- ator in the region. Deliveries of the Handysize Polish series are scheduled to start in early 1999. MES has also augmented its bulk- er workload with a 75,000-dwt Panamax unit to be built at Chiba for Naples-based Augustea Imprese. The newbuilding project — an illustration of the Italian company's tendency in recent years to opt for Japanese construc- tion — calls for delivery of an 89,000-cu.-m. capacity bulker by the end of 1999. The latest gener- ation of the open-hatch bulk carri- er class is represented by 56,700- dwt Hoegh Morus. Constructed at the Tamano works for Leif Hoegh, the ship employs the successful concept first introduced in the early 1970s, and progressively refined and upscaled to reach the size and high level of transporta- tion and handling efficiency embodied now in Hoegh Morus. / Marine Deck Hardware il i and Equipment 9 J JUM • ANCHORS: * ^ I ^^ 50 to 60,000 Lbs. - New and Used Stockless - Danforth - L. W. T. • Halls - Snug Stowing • CHAIN • 3/i" to 5'/fl" - New and Used Stud Link - Cast Steel - Grades 2 and 3 • Oil Rig Quality for Moorings, Towing, Barge Handling, Ship's Replacement • WINCHES - WINDLASSES - CAPSTANS • Vertical or Horizontal Hand, Electric. Diesel, Hydraulic or Repowered to your specs • HATCHES - WATERUGHT DOORS MANHOLE COVERS - SCCITLES - PORTHOLES • All Sizes - New or Reconditioned • PANAMA CHOCKS - DOUBLE BITTS SINGLE BITTS - CAST STEEL CLEATS AND KEVELS • All Sizes Available, New & Used • FENDERS PNEUMATIC • For Rent or Sale All Sizes, New & Used SERVING THE MARINE 6 OIL INDUSTRIES FOR OVER 35 YEARS WE ARE DIRECT FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS 6 IMPORTERS WATERMAN SUPPLY CO., INC. P 0. BOX 596 WILMINGTON. CA 90748 PH: (310) 522-9698 FAX: (310) 522-1043 Circle 290 on Reader Service Card Hot & Noisy? CALL REILLY-BENTON International for all your y Thermal, Acoustic, and Fire Insulation needs. • Materials are U.S. Coast Guard approved and U. S. Navy spec. • Gulf Coast and West Coast warehouses for fast delivery • Large inventories available • Custom orders limit waste and overruns • Proven industry leader Reilly-Bentoii sgar * The PealxMly Corporation 1645 Tchoupitoulas St.. 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Lauderdale, FL 33312 Circle 232 on Reader Service Card Central to the design idea, th hatchway openings in the double hulled, Panamax-beam vessel havi the same dimensions as the holds facilitating the working of forestry goods such as lumber, paper rolls pulp and woodchips. Another trademark of the type is the installation of two traveling gantry cranes on the upper deck, conferring cargo handling self-suf- ficiency across the range of freight transported. Evergreen ... The Shipbuilder With the sale of Hayashikane Shipbuilding by the Taiyo Fishing Co. to the Evergreen Group sever- al years ago, the Taiwan-based organization obtained a stake in the vibrant industry on Kyushu Island. Evergreen immediately increased the capital of the yard, which had originally traded as Taiyo Zosen, invested in new work- shops and other facilities and raised the productivity of the premises. The development policy has been vindicated by the increasing effica- cy of the yard in Nagasaki, which has emerged as a primary source of feeder and intra-regional con- tainership capacity for the parent group in Taipei. As Evergreen Heavy Industrial Corp. (EHIC), it has been charged with construc- tion of 10 vessels of the 1,164-TEU A-class, and is set to take on an additional 10-ship program involv- ing a new larger type, designated the P-class. The first three repre- sentatives of the A-class were com- missioned by Evergreen, and all subsequent vessels in the series are to the account of the affiliated company Uniglory Marine Corporation. Following the sched- uled delivery in April 1999 of Uni- Assure, EHIC plans to focus on the new 1,420-TEU P-class, with the first of the envisaged 10 for Uniglory expected in July 1999 and the last due in October 2001. The P-type will replace vessels of 860 to 960 TEU built in the 1970s and deployed on Uniglory's Asia service network. Earlier, it had been thought that EHIC would go forward into the next decade with a 2,000-TEU type, which had fig- ured among fleet projects consid- ered by the group. Containership Technology Taken To New Heights While certain yards in Denmark and Germany continue to have a major impact on containership technology at the upper end of the Maritime Reporter/Engineering News