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MARINFLOC BILGE WATER CLEANING SYSTEM US. Department erf Transportation United State! Coan Guard (Certificate of Apprnual COAST GUARD APPROVAL NO: 162.050/1217/0 EXPIRES: OECEnBER 21. 2002 "ss-sSf" •S S.SWX VISIT US IN MIAMI AT SEATRADE CRUISE SHIPPING CONVENTION -98, BOOTH 134 MARIN MIUOTEKN1K AB INDUSTR1VAGEN 10 S-472 95 VAREK1L, SWEDEN PH. +46-304-104 98. FAX +46-304-100 51 Circle 322 on Reader Service Card Quality Products For The Worldwide Marine Industry Marine heads Oily Water Separators Microflush Marine Heads in stainless steel or vitreous china use only two quarts of water per flush. Options include rear or downward discharge, internal or remote flush activators. Marine Sanitation Devices have no moving parts, no power requirements and low maintenance. Discharge by gravity or sump/pump. Accommodates crews from 3 to 100 men. IMO approved. USCG certified. Oily/Water Separators in 7 models: .15-5.0 cu. meters p/hour. Coalescing technology means no replacement filters required. Quality Products Microphor, Inc. 452 East Hill Road, Willits, CA 95490-1460 USA (800) 358-8280, (707) 459-5563, Fax: (707) 459-6617 E-mail:, Circle 256 on Reader Service Card (Continued from page 35) Japan. Construction of a handysize bulker was also set in train at Nantong Ocean Ship Engineering Co., an enterprise founded by KHI and China Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO). Located 100-km upstream of Shanghai on the Yangtze, the Nantong yard will be the beneficiary of a newbuilding dock initially fore- seen for vessels up to 160,000-dwt, and scheduled for completion by September 1998. The Japanese group is also lending its know-how to a further joint ven- ture with COSCO to manufacture azimuthing and tunnel thrusters, as well as other equipment in China. KHI's earnings from marine equip- ment produced in Japan are expect- ed to amount to some Yen5 billion this year. The plant at Wuhan is expected to become the principal source of sup- ply for bow and stern thrusters, for H YPACK Hydrographic Software gives you the hydrographic power to lay out survey lines, create plotting sheets, and design cross sectional profiles in a flasn. Graphically review your survey data and create new planned lines. Customize your screen sizes. Input up to nine devices, simultaneously. Have single and multibeam data collection capability at your fingertips. Display and edit tracklines. sounding profiles and text data. Apply tide, draft, heave-pitch-roll and sound velocity corrections. Plus: Full DXF/DGN Support. Plotting, including smooth sheets. The ability to create cross section profiles of multibeam and longitudinal data. And a complete look at your Volumes, including average end area, prismoidal, contour and TIN models. COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHICS, INC. 11-G Old Indian Trail Middlefield, CT 06455 Phone: (860) 349-3800 Fax: (860)349-1982 Circle 214 on Reader Service Card Contact ASNE Today (703) 836-6727 Circle 204 on Reader Service Card For More Information The American Society of Naval Engineers Presents ASNE DAY 1998 Integrating Technology For The 21st Century March 3-4,1998 Sheraton Washington Hotel Washington, D.C. ASNE Day provides a forum for discussion and exchange of scientific, technical and operational development in the field of naval engineering and the discovery of new products, services and technologies. During the two day symposium there will be six tracks on topics including; • Ship Design • Machinery Systems • Advanced Sensors • Hydrodynamics & Simulation • Advanced Control Technology • Acquisition Reform/COTS. Numerous exhibits will also be displayed throughout the entire event. HYPACK for WINDOWS The HYPACK series t>f advanced . continues to build on the Coastal C reputation for reliability, accural world wide service.