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PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS Lehman Appointed Maintenance and Repair President Kimble Lehman has been named president of National Maintenance & Repair Inc.'s Hartford, 111. shipyard. He was formerly vice president overseeing the hull and gas-free cleaning facil- ity. Senior Transportation Engineer Joins CH2M Hill Stan Moon has joined the staff of CH2M Hill as a senior Transportation Engineer. Mr. Moon has more than 30 years of transportation experience manag- ing systems, programs and projects for the Washington State Department of Transportation. He will be serving West Coast transportation clients from the TlUl DEVIL'S CLAW One of three dependable chain stop- per styles from one of the largest inventories of marine equipment in the USA. We also have connecting links, carpenter stoppers, and much more. Call us today for details. (CUSTOMER SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK) 1-800-851-3429 WASHINGTON CHAIN AND SUPPLY, INC. P.O. Box 3645 • 2901 Utah Avenue South * Seattle. Washington 98124 FAX (206) 621 -9834 * E-mail: VISIT OUR WEB SITE FOR MORE INFORMATION: Circle 289 on Reader Service Card RISE SYSTEM for Cables SEALING PLUGS for Pipes / Fire, Water, Gas Tight / Classification Society Approved / Stamped Application Drawings y Easy to Install - No Blocks! Ask for our shipbuilding products brochure 800-981-4448 603-641-3914 SEALING SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA Call the Experts - Industry Leaders for 25 years Bite Through RUST, SCALE 8 PAINT Than is an ADRAND tool that's right tot EVERY job! I Aurand's patented cutting teeth bite tight through tough accumulations on ANY hard I surface. On decks, walls, or ship hulls. In tanks, pipelines or boilers, results like sandblasting are yours. Aurand's unique Centrifi-Clean® action quickly peels off build-up. Adjustable depth settings protect the underlying surface and prevent overloading, stalling | | and excessive cutter wear. • LIGHTWEIGHT • ADJUSTABLE DEPTH SETTINGS • EASY TO USE • SAVES HOURS OF WORK JAJMN> 1210 ELUS STREET • CINCINNATI, OHIO 45223-1843 PHONE: (513)541-7200 FAX: (513)541-3065 MADE IN 1 TOLL FREE: 1-800-860-2872 USA Circle 207 on Reader Service Card Wlioro can you get nickel aluminum lironze pumps in one week or less? NICKEL ALUMINUM EACH PUMP IS BRONZE CUSTOM BUILT TO (ASTM-B-271 AND MIL-B- YOUR 24480) SPECIFICATIONS OFFERS SUPERIOR AND SALTWATER HYDRAULICAL.LY CORROSION RESISTANCE TESTED BEFORE TO STAINLESS SHIPMENT STEEL AND IS LESS EXPENSIVE WITH THE INTRODUCTION OF OUR NEW ZCH2 6X6 CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, FLOWS RANGE FROM LO GPM TO 1,600 GPM AND UP TO 350 FEET OF HEAD firm's Seattle office. New Management Consulting Group Formed The Annapolis Management Group and Polaris Associates have consolidated to form a new man- agement consulting group, Sanborn Yearwood & Associates (SYA) in order to serve clients in maritime markets and interna- tional trade communities. Germanischer Lloyd Opens Office in New Orleans Germanischer Lloyd (GL) has opened a station in the port of New Orleans to interact with ship- yards, broaden its service network, provide a more direct contact with ship owners and suppliers, along with securing a better relationship between port and state authorities and GL customers. East Coast Overseas Appoints Campos President Carlos Campos has been appointed president of East Coast Overseas. Mr. Campos was for- merly an associate of East Coast's parent company in Lisbon. P&O Launches Containership P&O Nedlloyd recently launched Arica. The 2,160-TEU containership is the first of sever- al new vessels to be launched by the company this year. Arica was christened and launched at Flender Shipyard and will be assigned to the company's Lamcon services after its comple- tion in March. Sailing between the Far East and South America, the new ves- sel will replace existing charter ships on the same route and is the sixth ship from the Flender yard to be chartered by P&O Nedlloyd from Reederei Claus Peter Offen, Hamburg. Arica is classed to GL 100 A5 E standards and meets SOLAS 11-2 regula- tion 54. Measuring 600 ft. (183 m) long with a 95 ft. (29 m) beam, Arica is powered by MAN/B&W 6 S 60 engines with a service speed of 20 knots. .30 Circle 299 on Reader Service Card Circle 203 on Reader Service Card