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Brighton Stakis Metropole Hotel, England 21st - 23rd April, 1998 THE EXHIBITION - More than 100 companies will be exhibiting - promoting the entire spectrum of marine safety-related equipment and services. SECURITY AT SEA - the world's first maritime security exhibition alongside the maritime safety industry's premier international event. SAFETY AT SEA CONFERENCE ELECTRONIC CHART TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE NEW FOR SASMEX '98 - SECURITY AT SEA SEMINAR - a half day specialist seminar, complementary to the security themed area within the exhibition. FREl admission to the Exhibition and Security at Sea Seminar Sponsored by: SAFETY at SEA SASMEX'98: Please send me information on • Exhibiting • Visiting the Exhibition • The Safety at Sea Conference • The Electronic Chart Technology Conference • Security at Sea Seminar. Name Job Title Nature of Business Company Address Postal/Zip Code Tel Country Fax e -mail Please return to: Gillian Jones, SASMEX'98, DMG Business Media Ltd., Queensway House, 2 Queensway, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1QS, England. Tel: +44 (0)1737 768611, Fax: +44 (0)1737 855474, e-mail: MR CSI Announces Three Promotions Composite Structures Inter- national, Inc. (CSI) has promoted Ken Berg from manager to director of Corporate Engineering. Mr. Berg will head all ventures in research and development of new products and applications, design and engineer fiberglass structural Automatic Lrfesaving Emergency Radio Transmitter Can Save Your Life. • Emergency man-overboard alarm system • Pocket sized and easily worn or carried • Automatic water-activation a manual • Sets off audio and visual alarm onboard • Strobe light assists locating person in water • Onboard receiver can activate equipment, mark GPS/plot a trip engine kill switch :*: nat nORTHERN SIRBORNE TECHNOLOGY Northern Airborne Technology, Inc. 28 Lore! Road, Suite 130, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA Toll-free. 800 661 3477 Tel. 508 303 6762 Fax. 508 303 6763 Circle 260 on Reader Service Card Secure VHF commercial & emergency radios W The finest VHF hand- held radios in the world. Ergonomic design for one-hand operation. Interchangeable Lithium (fa GMDSS certification) or rechargeable NiCad batteiy packs fa multi-purpose use. Some models allow up to 16 private channels or encryption fa secure communication. Rugged, waterproof, oil-resistant. Many useful accessories and standard features. :*: nat nORTHERN 8IRBORNE tECHNOLOGY Northern Airborne Technology, Inc. 28 Lord Road, Suite 130, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA Toll-free. 800 661 3477 Tel. 508 303 6762 Fax. 508 303 6763 E-Mail, 26 Circle 269 on Reader Service Card Circle 294 on Reader Service Card systems and conduct seminars. Marty Mauer was named vice president, Sales and Marketing for international regions and North America. Mr. Mauer has greatly increased international sales vol- ume with his ideas, strategies and new products. Wendell Hollingsworth was pro- moted to director of operations for CSI. Mr. Hollingsworth will be responsible for all plant operations at five of CSI's facilities. Bollinger Names New VP T. Walter Berry has been named executive vice president and COO of Bollinger Shipyard Inc. Mr. Berry will oversee the opera- tion of all of BSI's subsidiaries. FCS Establishes Service Center In U.S. FCS, Inc. has established a Malin Precision Diesel Engine Analyzer Service Center in Centerport, Conn. Dive Time Systems, Inc. in the U.K. will assist with the training and set up of the facility which will handle upgrades, repairs and recalibra- tions. Ulstein and Hyundai Join Forces Ulstein Berger (UB) AS and Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) have entered into two agreements. The first covers the manufacture of current designs of UB engines under license by HHI in South Korea for marine and land-based energy pro- duction. The second agreement allows for joint design and develop- ment for a new medium-speed engine. Offshore Equipment Market Looking Up More good news regarding the longevity of the offshore oil boom was heard recently when Italian drilling equipment company Saipem SpA reported that it expected the offshore plant equipment market to grow by 10 to 15 percent in 1998. According to the company's chair- man, Fabrizio d'Adda, the deep sea market has remained firm, and is the cause of Saipem's optimism. Mr. d'Adda also noted that depressed oil prices will not affect the market so much in 1998. However, if oil prices remain at cur- rent levels, plans beyond year-end could be altered. Maritime Reporter/Engineering News