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Bids Put Out For New Sidewheeler Cruiseship -x k / \f 4M > American West Steamboat has sent bid packages to six shipyards to compete for the construction of the company's second U.S.- flagged, overnight cruise vessel. The sidewheeler cruiseship, to be named Empress of the North, will accommodate a crew of 76, in addition to 248 passengers in 116 suites. The vessel will be built for ocean passenger service on International waters, and will be built to meet all U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), SOLAS and applicable IMO regulations. Empress of the North was designed by Guido Perla and Associates of Seattle. The vessel's itinerary will be between Seattle and Alaska dur- ing the summer months, cruising the Canadian/Alaskan Inside Passage Route. During the win- ter months, the vessel will oper- ate Hawaiian Inter-Island Cruises. The 300 x 82 ft. (91.4 x 25 m) vessel is designed for high style and comfort, and will offer spacious high-ceiling, a single- seating dining room; a main showroom and lounge capable of seating the ship's full complement of passengers; and a unique Sidewheeler Showboat Cabaret. The design provides for the 42-ft. diameter Sidewheels to actually provide full propulsion for the vessel up to seven knots. Two large Z-drive units will provide the additional thrust when faster cruising — up to 14 knots — is desired. The diesel-electric sys- tem is designed to provide quiet, efficient propulsion. A 360-degree bowthruster jet pump will help provide steering when the vessel is propelled by only the side- wheel. Four active fin stabilizers will be electronically controlled together using angle, velocity and acceleration sensor to provide the maximum in stability and pas- senger comfort. American West Steamboat currently operates the 163-passenger sternwheeler Queen of the West, which cruises the Columbia, Willamette and Snake Rivers on one-week itiner- aries. Circle 25 on Reader Service Card January, 1998 (Continued from page 26) Burrard Model HJD double drum tow winch with a 45,000-lb. line pull and capacities of 2,200 ft. two- in.-diameter wire and 2,000 ft. of 2.25-in. wire. Burrard also provid- ed a Model HE split drum headline winch capable of handling 500 ft. of three-in. circumference Vestran line. Stern roller and hydraulic tow pins were provided by Smith Berger Marine. Delta Linda Main Particulars Designer Marco Shipyard Seattle Flag U.S. Length, o.a 105 ft. (32 m) Breadth, molded 34 ft. (10.4 m) Draft, design 13 ft. (4 m) Complement 6 Main engine (2) Caterpillar 3516B diesels Total hp 4,400 bhp at 1,600 rpm Auxiliary engines .. .(2) Caterpillar 3304BT diesels Propellers Aquamaster Model US2001 Z-drive units; 94.5 in. four blade propellers in nozzles Generators (2) 105 kW Engine controls Caterpillar electronic Steering controls Aquamaster Deck machinery .Burrard Mode HE headline winch; model HJD two winch VHF radio (2) Stephens SEA-156, (1) Shipmate RS-8300 SSBradio FurunoFS-1502 Compass/Autopilot Sperry Don't leave port without one Aggreko's NEW Worldwide The world's first global reference for emergency rental powei / >- Worldwide port contacts >f 75 global depot numbers >- Equipment specifications »• 24-hour rental & technical assistance contacts Hv Call today for your free copyI 1-800-443-2447 Circle 200 on Reader Service Card Unmatched Quality for Over 50 Years • Check Valves • Pilot Valves 'jf Shutoff Valves Solenoid Valves 1 Cryogenic Valves Pressure Regulators Motor Operated Valves ISO 9001 Certified CIRCLE SEAL CONTROLS, INC Phone (909) 270-6200. Fax (909) 270-6201 E-mail: Internet: Circle 210 on Reader Service Card ^ I Marine Deck Hardware k and Equipment • ANCHORS: • 50 to 60,000 Lbs. - New and Used Stockless • Dan forth - L.W.T. • Halls - Snug Stowing • CHAIN • 3/4" to 5'/a" - New and Used Stud Link • Cast Steel • Grades 2 and 3 - Oil Rig Quality for Moorings, Towing, Barge Handling, Ship's Replacement • WINCHES - WINDLASSES - CAPSTANS • Vertical or Horizontal Hand, Electric. Diesel, Hydraulic or Repowered to your specs • HATCHES - WATERTIGHT DOORS MANHOLE COVERS - SCUTLES - PORTHOLES • All Sizes - New or Reconditioned • PANAMA CHOCKS - DOUBLE BITTS SINGLE BITTS - CAST STEEL CLEATS AND KEVELS • GIGANTIC AI1 Sizes Available, New & Used • FENDERS PNEUMATIC • For Rent or Sale All Sizes, New & Used SERVING THE MARINE 6 OIL INDUSTRIES FOR OVER 35 YEARS WE ARE DIRECT FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS 6 IMPORTERS WATERMAN SUPPLY CO., INC. P.O. BOX 596 WILMINGTON, CA 90748 PH: (310) 522-9698 FAX: (310) 522-1043 Circle 290 on Reader Service Card Circle 298 on Reader Service Card 83 ENVIRO-PA K® COMPACTORS Tech Oil Products, Lie. New Iberia, LA 70560 1-800-737-5533 18 years experience in the marine and offshore industries. Trash Compactors 20 different models ensures that our customer's needs are met Filter Crushers