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International Representatives EDITOR'S NOTE T he beginning of the year is used as a benchmark to assess the progress of personal and professional achievements and goals. In black and white business terms, the new year should mean little more than replacing the calendar. With long-term plans in place and near-term strategizing completed months ago, January 1 is, in reality, just another day. However, there is nothing black and white about the emotions which drive business decisions. A host of factors which arose during the last three months of1997 have conspired to leave many in the maritime industry with a certain unsettled feeling entering 1998, which has arisen out of the uncertainty about one word... Oil. The oil market was the big driver of maritime business in 1997. As companies acti- vated record numbers ofdeepwater offshore projects, there were acute shortages of rigs, off- shore supply vessels and equipment. Coupled with soaring barrel and tanker rates, the word "boom" couldn't be used enough in stories regarding the market. But the oil boom armor started collecting dings late in the year, when a series of indi- vidual events conspired to collectively upset the oil supply-and-demand balance. First, the economic troubles of many countries in the Far East have economists pro- jecting — albeit with no real clarity or certainty — the short and long-term effects of oil demands for the region. (Before the troubles began, the Far East economies were seen as major drivers in boosting world oil demand). Second, OPEC's leaders decided to boost production 10 percent in an attempt to capitalize on the peaking demand. Finally, the ongoing saga regarding the on-again, off-again "oil-for-food" deal between the U.N. and Iraq promises to further muddy the supply and demand waters. Here's the good news. Although shaken, the foundation on which this oil boom was built remains solid. Companies now have the technologies and the tax incentives to discover and recover resources in deeper and deeper waters. Short term downturns in any business are inevitable, but the fact remains that resources are out there, and someone will get them. Also, there has been hardly a let-up in the number of rig, tanker and related offshore ves- sel contracts reported to this office. Despite some rumblings about down-sized E&P bud- gets, it appears that major offshore players are continuing to spend money on new and rebuilt equipment. Finally, word has it that the OPEC oil producers have no intention of glutting the market with unneeded oil, and will produce accordingly as events of the year unfold. INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS Charles E. Keil, Vice President 980 N. Federal Highway, Ste. 206-01, Boca Raton, FL 33432 Telephone: +561-368-1021; Fax: +561-368-1161 24-hr Tel/Fax: +561-998-0313; Mobile Tel: +561-716-0338 Australia ANNE MURRAY/YVONNE SANDFORD World Media Network Pty. Ltd. 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