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PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS Flow Promotes Lawrence Flow International Corp. has promoted Executive Vice President R.B. (Brad) Lawrence to the position of COO. In his new position, Mr. Lawrence will have operational responsibility for all of Flow's businesses in the U.S. and Canada. MTC Moves Marine Technology Corp. (MTC) has moved its Williamsburg, Va. office to 2600 South Gessner, Suite 312, Houston, Texas 77063, tel: (713) 953-9199; fax: (713) 953-9499. In addi- tion, the company's London operations are now centered at Highlands House, Mereworth, Kent ME 18 5NF, U.K. Tel: +44 1622 813539; Fax: +44 2622 814880. MTC offers strategic advice on matters relat- ed to the marine and offshore oil & gas indus- tries, as well as consulting and management services for the improvement of performance of shipyards and other marine-related activities. GL Announces Retirements At the end of February 1998, Germanishcer Lloyd (GL) senior staff members Gerd Beckedorf, chief surveyor and executive direc- tor of the Survey division, and Gerhard Fischer, executive director of the Machinery and Electrical division, will retire. Mr. Beckedorfs replacement will be Hans- Joachim Fosterling, and Mr. Fischer's replacement will be Jakob Gatjens. SingTel Globalizes Services Singapore Telecom (SingTel) Inmarsat B, M and MPLUS services can now be accessed over the Atlantic Ocean regions. Previously, such coverage was available only in the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. "With this latest move, SingTel now provides global coverage for both analog and digital mobile satellite communications services," said Wan Tong Weng, SingTel's director of International Mobile Services. "By offering a comprehensive range, we are able to meet demands from customers who have worldwide operations." Circle 63 on Reader Service Card ICO Names Frost VP/Manager ICO Global Communications Services Inc. has appointed Mary Frost vice president/regional manager, ICO North America. Ms. Frost's responsibilities will involve the development of commercial sectors in the U.S. and Canada. ICO Global Communications provides global mobile personal communications services via satellite, including digital voice, data, fax and messaging services. The company has received or committed equity contributions in excess of $1.7 billion and has 50 investors comprising telecommunications and technology companies January, 1998 from 47 countries worldwide. Circle 62 on Reader Service Card SPD Technologies Acquires Power Paragaon SPD Technologies, Inc. has acquired Power Paragon, Inc. (PPI) from private investment group The Carlyle Group. It is planned that PPI will be a wholly owned subsidiary of SPD. The acquisition provides SPD with vast capa- bilities in the design and manufacture of com- plete source-to-load electrical power delivery products for Navy and commercial markets including marine, rail transportation and utili- ties. Circle 66 on Reader Service Card o V 'uido Perla & Associates can bring a wealth of design and construction experience to your next passenger vessel. Founded in 1979, this full-service naval architecture, marine engineering, and pro- ject management firm has developed passenger ARE YOU PREPARED? LET DOCK BOXES UNLIMITED'S SPILL RESPONSE KITS PREPARE YOU FOR THE UNTHINKABLE Spill Response Kits consist of sorbents you need to contain and clean up petroleum based spills which may occur. Kits should be placed on the ship deck, workboat, cruiseliners, around the ship yard, or anywhere the kits will be readily accessible for potential spills. Individual sorbent products also available. Please call or fax: DOCK BOXES UNLIMITED, INC. 8301 Boat Club Road #1423 Fort Worth, Texas 76179 l-8(M)-559-4BOX (4269) Fax (817) 236-1115 Circle 313 on Reader Service Card ANCHORS CHAINS V*" up to U2/U3 from STOCK! G. J. Wortelboer jr. B.V. P.O. Box 5003 3008 AA Rotterdam, Nederland Tel.: 31 10 4292222 Fax.: 31 10 4296459 Telex: 28393 GJWNL WORTELBOER vessel designs, from pocket cruisers to riverboat casinos to passenger/car ferries to new technolo- gy for high speed ocean transport. Guido Perla & Associates provides a range of services from preliminary design, to shipyard con- struction engineering and project management for the owner. Be sure your next vessel, modifica- tion, or conversion complies with the latest regula- tory requirements. • Experience with a range of passenger vessels • Preliminary and detail construction design • Project management and owner representation • Experience in the most recent regulatory rules for Subchapters T, K, and S, as well as classification rules for passenger vessels GUIDO PERLA & ASSOCIATES Naval Architects. Marine. Mechanical, and Electrical Engineers Pacific Building 720 Third Avenue Suite 1200 Seattle. WA 98104 Tel: (206) 382-3949. Fax: (206) 382-2090 Circle 315 on Reader Service Card Circle 312 on Reader Service Card 75 Passenger Vessels Should Take Passengers For A Ride, Not Tne Owners.