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PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS Mobil To Reenter South African Market After an eight year hiatus, Mobil will return to South Africa to pro- vide marine lubricants and related services for the shipping industry. As of December 15, the company will offer a full range of marine lubricants, including synthetic oils at the Durban/Richards Bay ports. Service at Cape Town/Saldanah Bay, Port Elizabeth and East London is scheduled to begin in early 1998. Mobil first started trading in South Africa more than 100 years ago, and by 1989 had a significant presence in the region. Due to eco- nomic considerations, including changes to U.S. tax policies for American companies doing busi- ness in South Africa, Mobil with- drew from the country in 1989. It sold its assets to South African company Gencor in an agreement which precluded Mobil from reen- tering the South African market before July 1, 1997. Circle 61 on Reader Service Card Bobbitt Joins Friede & Goldman Friede & Goldman, Ltd., a sub- sidiary of Friede Goldman International, has named Larry W. Bobbitt as vice president of Marketing and Business Development. He will be based in the company's Houston office. Mr. Bobbitt brings 16 years of experi- ence in the offshore drilling and construction business to his new position, and most recently served as vice president of Marketing for Aker Marine Contractors. MR&S Achieves ISO 9001 Certification The San Francisco, San Diego and Bremerton, Wash., branch offices of M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc. (MR&S) have been certified by the ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc. (ABS QE) to the ISO 9001 Quality System standard. These three offices comprise the firm's Western Division and represent the first phase of MR&S' effort to achieve certification for the entire compa- ny. Circle 60 on Reader Service Card Oceaneering And Chance To Form Alliance Oceaneering International, Inc. has entered into a letter of intent with John E. Chance & Assoc., Inc., a member of the Fugro Group, to form an alliance offering inte- grated remotely operated vehicle (ROV)/Survey services to the off- shore oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico. The initial prima- ry focus of the alliance will be to serve the ROV/Survey service needs of operations exploring for and developing hydrocarbon reserves located in the Gulf of Mexico's deepwater areas. To its end, Chance will install dedicated survey spreads onboard all of Oceaneering's dynamically posi- tioned and four-point moored ves- sels in the gulf. This is expected to reduce mobi- lization costs and systems integra- tion time with the ROV equip- ment. Circle 65 on Reader Service Card Connecticut Maritime Association SHIPPING '98 a iy/Jf i i SM ' ifJi-L MARCH 23,24 & 25 Sheraton Stamford Hotel Stamford, Connecticut NEW PARAMETERS NEW VISIONS sponsoring organizations: Association of Ship Brokers and Agents (ASBA) The Baltic fir International Maritime Council (BIMCO) The Baltic Exchange Council of European fir Japanese National Shipowners' Associations (CENSA) Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce HELMEPA The Hong Kong Shipowners Association International Association of Classification Societies, Ltd. International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO) International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO) International Chamber of Shipping, Ltd. International Shipping Federation, Ltd. Liberian Shipowners' Council Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce Norwegian Shipowners' Association CONTACT CMA Conference Coordinator, International Marketing Strategies, Inc. 28 Southfield Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902 USA Phone: 203.406.0109 Fax: 203.406.0110 Email: Circle 213 on Reader Service Card 74 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News